While most of the time I’m drawn to saturated “happy” color, occasionally my soul calls out for a little moody darkness. So when I laid my eyes upon the work of photographer Sarah Johanna Eick at The Red Arrow Gallery here in Joshua Tree, the quiet power in the work took hold of...
I have very little tolerance for martyrdom. It’s the helplessness and the “feel sorry for me” mindset. I am the first one to say, “Put on your big-girl panties and deal with it, woman!” If I see someone continuously curled up in a ball, my initial instinct is to kick him or...
You made it all this way and you're probably asking "Well, how much will I get paid?" Interestingly, there is no mention of actual pay, but considering I've never seen an NBC show asking for unpaid extras, I'm guessing it's probably $80 to $100 for the entire day. Photo by Ste...