This paper presents the first petro-structural data as well as morphological characterization of alluvial gold nuggets and related heavy minerals, from the Guiwa-Yangamo area within the Batouri goldfield (Cameroon). This area comprises metamorphic rocks including various gneisses and amphibolite, intrud...
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In the garden dripping with rain, Cool-browed at the spine-tree, Watchng stars dance and divide. In the scented earth, neck deep, Learning from worms the peaceful transformation. At the end of the day and at the dawn. Dumb, speechless as rivers, knowing all things. At the grinding end...
Montana has a long history of mining, and a lot of gold, silver, and copper have been discovered in the state. According, Montana earned the "Treasure State" nickname due to the fact that Montana's mountains yielded a rich trove of gold and silver deposits in the ...
In addition, Humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HADR) material has been provided to all LAM islands. All efforts are being made to bring back normalcy to the L&M islands most expeditiously. Relentless efforts are on by all other ships at the disposal of Indian Navy to provide relief ...