A winding up petition is a court action which is heard in a court and is usually placed against a company by a creditor who is owed money. The winding up petitions are only issued to Companies House if the outcome of the petition is that the company is to be wound up and then ...
company like: date on which company was incorporated, if the name was changed, then its history, office address and number that is registered, details about latest accounts and annual return, information about directors and other information like petitions, association articles and memorandum and so...
financial statements have tobefiled. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 政府當局又承諾在今㆝解釋若干擬議條文的立法用意,以及檢討是否有需 要與有關方面進行磋商後,在指引內具體說明必須提交財政報告的期限。 legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk [...]refused during court hearings to take action to follow up on compla...