Microsoft Patents Granted: Microsoft patents that have been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Microsoft Patent Applications: Microsoft patent applications that are pending before the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).RESTRICTING...
Novocus Legal Provides services in Provisional Patent Search in USA.Professional Patent Search service is done by experienced and dedicated employees in our organization.
You can search patents free online. There are patent search engines at the US Patent Office, the European Patent Office, and WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) among others. You can search the us patent office usingGoogle. Google hosts the entire collection of patents filed with the...
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will reject a patent application if a valid patent already exists for the same invention. Some entrepreneurs may try to do their own patent search to avoid spending money on hiring an organization that performs patent searches. However, ...
pypatent is a tiny Python package to easily search for and scrape US Patent and Trademark Office Patent Data. PyPI page New in version 1.2 This version implements Selenium support for scraping. Previous versions were using therequestslibrary for all requests, however this has had problems with th...
Initial emphasis has been on trade marks and service marks, including searching online the UKTM database supplied by the Office's Trade Mark Registry and hosted by Pergamon InfoLine. Activities are being extended further into the online patents field, including services based on the Office's ...
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Office chair Skip to:Description·Claims·References Cited·Patent History·Patent History Description FIG. 1is a perspective view of our new office chair; FIG. 2is a front elevation view thereof, FIG. 3is a rear elevation view thereof; ...
There are many options available for patent searches, whether using the Google patent search engine, theUnited States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)orWorld Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)databases, a global patent search directory, or a customized proprietary platform. A dedicated platform...
To learn to navigate thisdatabase, you can consult the Help Section the Patent Office's website. Here are some tips to get you started: Create a long list of keywords that relate to your invention. Using those keywords, go to the database's Index. This lists classifications and subclasses...