Two such databases are JSTOR and HeinOnline. However, these are paid tools and not meant for student researchers or low-budget researchers.While JSTOR mentions their rates outright on their pricing page, HeinOnline specifically requires you to send them a detailed email stating your purpose just to...
1Julia I. Miller, “Miraculous Childbirth and the Portinari Altarpiece,”The Art Bulletin77, no. 2, (June, 1995): 249-61. For those readers who have access toJSTOR, this article is available for reading and download. 2Ibid., 249. ...
个人觉得是一本极富深度的著作~ 在jstor上下载了很多分析主题的文献,很有意思,受益匪浅~ 在此总结摘要一些点与大家分享。 首先,本书的center phrase: "only connect"; 三大阵营: the Schlegels: English aristocrats, symbolize old money(inherited wealth) the Wilcoxes: new rising upper class, new money(...
个人觉得是一本极富深度的著作~ 在jstor上下载了很多分析主题的文献,很有意思,受益匪浅~ 在此总结摘要一些点与大家分享。 首先,本书的center phrase: "only connect"; 三大阵营: the Schlegels: English aristocrats, symbolize old money(inherited wealth) the Wilcoxes: new rising upper class, new money(...
不代表楼主本人观点 13537 jstor吧 isongchanggang jstor账号分享账号:jstortestsong 密码:S123456 只能在线阅读文章内容,不能下载文章 需要下载的朋友,留文章名字+邮箱 分享463 冯提莫吧 648433211 冯提莫好几次把at读成了eight@冯提莫是疯提莫 分享1810 英语四六级吧 日知阁抄录 从今天开始,把冰与火之歌原著坚持看...