To find song lyrics, you can drop text like a song, lyric phrase, title, or any other custom words. Then, you can click on the search button to view lyrics from different resources. The site shows the result related to the keyword on 10 pages. Each page has at least 10 links from ...
Have you recently found yourself singing some song lyrics only to discover that you're unable to remember the actual name of the song they belong...
Don't understand the meaning of the song? Highlight lyrics and request an explanation. Click onhighlightedlyrics to explain. There is somebody In this world somebody She was put on earth for me Where can her love be? See, I'm no exception ...
In Search of the Perfect Song Early Beginning
With this fall's release of iOS 12, one Apple Music upgrade will include the ability to search for songs by their lyrics, rather than just artist, album, or title. Where a song contains the right lyrics, that fact will be highlighted in search results,AppleInsiderfound in testing...
1971年1月1日 11 首歌曲、31 分钟 A Mercury Nashville release; ℗ 1971 UMG Recordings, Inc.更多Tom T. Hall的作品 Greatest Hits Greatest Hits 1972年 The Storyteller and the Banjo Man The Storyteller and the Banjo Man 1982年 Tom T. Hall's Greatest Hits Tom T. Hall's Greatest Hits ...
YouTube Music is picking up the pace in its race to enhance user experience, as it introduces a feature reminiscent of its predecessor, Google Play Music. The latest addition, song search functionality, brings convenience to the fingertips of music enthusiasts, allowing them to identify songs with...
pulley - In Search
song is so I can look it up later, I try and remember a line or a phrase from the song, which I'll then use to figure out what song it really is. Then, I immediately forget the line, or forget part of it, or can't for the life of me remember one of the words in the ...