Rv. + PERDAM: BABILLONIS: NOMEN°. Écu de France couronné. Dy.716 - MIR.111 - Bernareggi 196 - Fr.826 ; Or - 3,51 g - 23 mm - 3 h Top Pop : c'est le seul exemplaire gradé ! PCGS MS62 (48484434). Très rare et importante monnaie avec effigie réaliste du Roi, témo...
(de+value 价值→去掉价值) 的) depress 压制,压抑(de+press 压→向下压→压制) collusion 共谋,勾结(col+lus 玩+ion→共同玩弄→共谋) detrain 下火车(de+train 火车) correct 改正,纠正(cor+rect 正→全部改正→纠正) decelerate 减速(de+celer 速度+ate→使速度变慢) correspond 通信;符合(cor+respond ...
Looking at the the number of results returned by Lean Domain Search is a good indication, but the definitive answer could only be gleaned by analyzingallof the domain names out there, not just the ones checked by Lean Domain Search. Since the number of domain names registered for a particul...
The Biological factor is the magnitude of the effect scaled by the average standard deviation from all the effects while the statistical factor is the negative log of the P-value scaled so a factor of 1.0 corresponds to a P-value of 0.01 calculated as follows: Biological factor = ABS(...
FIG.3Ais a crystal structure representation of a select number split-firefly luciferase interactions targeted for mutagenesis. N-Fluc 228 and C-Fluc 229 are represented. FIG.3Bshow cell-free luciferase assay results of first-generation mutants of split-Fluc228 (K8A, Y33A, T43A, H46A, and N...
=[ \t]*=)/m,"attr-value":{pattern:/=.*/,inside:{punctuation:/^[=]/}}}; -Prism.languages.json={property:/"(?:\\.|[^\\"\r\n])*"(?=\s*:)/i,string:{pattern:/"(?:\\.|[^\\"\r\n])*"(?!\s*:)/,greedy:!0},number:/\b-?(?:0x[\dA-Fa-f]+|\d*\.?\d+(...
The hub value of a web document is the addition of total number of authorities' values of web documents linking to it: n hub(p) = ∑ auth(i) i=1 (5) where p is the relevant authority web document, i is a web document that p links to and n is the entire quantity of web ...
The amount of setup time will equal to sijk, and any change in job sequence or processing machine would change the setup value. The machines are not the only restricted resource. There are v renewable resources R = {R1, R2, ··· , Rv}. To process a job, a certain unit of ...
batiste Rv0 f baton RwT p battalion Rw8 m battery Rxi v battle RyR j battlefront Ry0 x Bavaria Bus q Bavarian BvW 4 bay Rzl Z bayonet Rz+ g bazaar R0e v be R1N S be able to Syb 2 be about SzR t be acquainted with Sz+ w be afraid of S0u Bd be alive S2L d be allowed ...
() 24.The effective testing section of every negative should be indicated with the sequence of two lead letter,stick the lead letter on the surface of workpiece and make it corresponding to the two adjacent number of steel seal.( ) 24.每张底片的有效检验区域,应采用两个铅字的顺序标记,将铅字...