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Get the phoneNumberType property: The phone number's type, e.g. geographic, or tollFree. Returns: the phoneNumberType value.getPhoneNumbers public List getPhoneNumbers() Get the phoneNumbers property: The phone numbers that are available. Can be fewer than the desired search quantity. ...
PhoneNumbersClientOptions.ServiceVersion PhoneNumberSearchOptions PhoneNumberSearchResult PhoneNumberSearchResultError PhoneNumbersModelFactory PhoneNumberType PurchasedPhoneNumber PurchasePhoneNumbersOperation ReleasePhoneNumberOperation SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersOperation ...
PhoneNumbers Azure.Communication.PhoneNumbers BillingFrequency PhoneNumberAdministrativeDivision PhoneNumberAreaCode PhoneNumberAssignmentType PhoneNumberCapabilities PhoneNumberCapabilityType PhoneNumberCost PhoneNumberCountry PhoneNumberLocality PhoneNumberOffering PhoneNumbersClient PhoneNumbersClientOptions PhoneNumbers...
Communication Phone Numbers Overview Azure.Communication.PhoneNumbers Azure.Communication.PhoneNumbers BillingFrequency PhoneNumberAdministrativeDivision PhoneNumberAreaCode PhoneNumberAssignmentType PhoneNumberCapabilities PhoneNumberCapabilityType PhoneNumberCost PhoneNumberCountry PhoneNumberLocality PhoneNumber...
(2) to make decisions about or in connection with renting or selling a house, apartment, or other residential property to any person; (3) to make decisions about or in connection with lending money or extending credit to any person;
Discover a wide selection of exclusive and vanity phone numbers for your business at Golden Phone Numbers. Stand out from the crowd with unique and easy-to-remember phone numbers that leave a lasting impression on your customers. Browse our collection an
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SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersPDF Searches for phone numbers that can be ordered. For US numbers, provide at least one of the following search filters: AreaCode, City, State, or TollFreePrefix. If you provide City, you must also provide State. Numbers outside the US only support the PhoneNumber...