Search terms are matched in sequence from the first character in the payload word or phrase. The search termusermatchesuser_1anduser_2, but does not match the following phrases:ruser,myuser, oranyuser. Quick filter searches use the English locale.Localeis a setting that identifies language or...
2. What word or phrase would you like to search for? Type your search term(s) into the text box. 3. Return results containing… If you’re searching multiple PDF documents, you can limit your search results. Match Exact Word or Phrase.Use this when you know the specific word or phrase...
Tips for finding messages to removeThe goal of the search query is to narrow the results of the search to only the message or messages that you want to remove. Here are some tips:If you know the exact text or phrase used in the subject line of the message, use the Subject property ...
If a user searches for this exact title, only this post should show up in the results. Otherwise, the search should run as default. There are several approaches to this, but the best is relevanssi_hits_filter. This function goes through all the posts, checks if the post… Read more ...
Use Gmail Search to find archived emails, emails by address, dates, exact phrase, labels, names, phone numbers ,sender, size, unread and by year.
The first example returns files with the exact phrase "marketing plan" in the title. The second example returns files with the word "estimate" in the file name. LastModifiedTimeThe date that an item was last changed.lastmodifiedtime>=2021-05-01 ...
Match Exact Word or Phrase.Use this when you know the specific word or phrase you’re looking for. Match Any of the Words.Find any instances of at least one of the words you’ve typed. Match All of the Words.When you search multiple PDFs or index definition files, look for all the...
Use double quotations around keywords to find assets that contain the exact phrase in the exact order as specified by the user. Figure: Search behavior with and without quotation marks. Search with asterisk wildcard: To broaden the search, use an asterisk before or after the search word to ma...
For example, if you want to look up websites like, search Here’s what I found. 4. Use quotes while searching: If you want to search for an exact phrase, use quotes. “Google search tips and tricks” will only find that exact phrase. Google “tips and...
Run a multi-word phrase text searchFor a multi-word phrase search, use this example:db.test.find({$text: {$search: "\"apple pie\""}})Output:The command above returns documents with text indexed field containing the exact phrase “apple pie”. The output of this command looks something ...