MeSH Terms 基于上一步中我们遇到的问题【同一概念有不同的描述词】,可以使用MeSH Database帮助确认。MeSH(Medical Subject Headings)即医学主题词,在PubMed中每一个概念都对应一个唯一主题词,同时对应文献的摘要/标题中也进行了主题词标引,使用主题词检索能够获得更精准的检索结果。 MeSH Database。 在MeSH中输入目...
进入PubMed首页 在Search下拉框中选择MeSH 或直接在首页点击“MeSH Database” 进入MeSH检索 如何使用MeSH检索 输入关键词“highblood glucose” 点击Search Hyperglycemia 就是高血糖的MeSH主题词 页面上还显示: 1,主题词释义 2,副主题词表 其中副主题词表 本例中勾选therapy 即可找到高血糖在治疗方面的文章 点击右...
The results are based on a limited number of search terms and acronyms. Conclusions. Understanding how search terms map to MeSH terms and using the PubMed search strategy can enable physical therapists to take full advantage of available MeSH terms and should result in more-efficient and better-...
【多选题】下列属于PubMed的检索方式有 A. 基本检索 B. 关键词检索 C. 高级检索 (advanced search) D. 主题检索(MeSH database) E. 检索历史 F. 不了解/不知道/不清楚/不记得了相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 基本检索; 高级检索 (advanced search); 主题检索(MeSH database)...
You can search in the MeSH database by clicking the same on the PubMed ® homepage, under the right most column “explore” (Fig. 1). Another way to search this database is to type [Mesh] after your search terms. MeSH terms have a variety of subheadings that can be used to focus...
Aim of this study is to identify efficient PubMed search strategies for the study of putative environmental determinants of a disease. Method We compiled a list of search terms (either Medical Subjects Heading [MeSH] or non-MeSH) seeming pertinent to exposure to pollutants as determinants of ...
【单选题】在PubMed-MeSH检索界面中,输入检索词tongue cancer,点击“Search”,查询结果显示的是()。A. tongue cancer MeSH
MeSH-terms and keywords retrieved using PubReMiner were tested individually and as combinations in PubMed and evaluated for retrieval performance (e.g. sensitivity (Se) and specificity (Sp)). Results Of 8238 articles, 22 were considered to report empirical evidence on patient preferences for ...
Table 1. List of keywords used in the search query. Electronic databaseSearch terms Scopus; Pubmed/MEDLINE; Web of Science; IEEE Xplore; ACM Digital Library; Academic Search Ultimate (via Ebsco-Host) (artificial intelligence OR recommend* system* OR clinical recommendation OR decision support syst...
The searching terms has been mapped through MeSH tool in Entrez PubMed website in order to increase the sensitivity and specificity. Figure 4 The Web-interface for microarray-related publications. The automatic search was conducted as scheduled based on the predetermined MeSH terms. The left panel...