Having trouble solving the last answer in that crossword puzzle? Having trouble getting the first answer? See if our search engine can help! Unlike pure pattern dictionary searches, we actually analyze the clue as well.
WORDS SEARCH: INFINITE CROSSWORD PUZZLE FREE GAME游戏简介 Ready to unscramble limitless list of words on the go? Dive into the world's best crossword puzzle free game, “Words Search: Infinite Crossword Puzzle Free Game” to solve the words with friends. Crossword solver is a creative cross...
Read each clue. Write the answer in the crossword puzzle.仔细阅读每一条线索,然后把答案填入纵横字谜中。1235467910811Across横3. Use a ___ to separate the words that introduce a quote from the quotation itself.5. This mark is used to show ownership.6. The titles of books should be7. An ...
3.N-COUNT A clue in a crossword or game is information which is given to help you to find the answer to a question. (纵横字谜或游戏中的) 提示 例:Give me a clue. What’s it begin with? 给我点提示。是什么开头? 4.PHRASE If you haven’t a clue about something, you do not kn...
If you liked this holiday word search, we think you'll also like... Christmas Crossword Puzzle- Each clue contains the title or first line of well-known Christmas song, but one word is missing! Write the missing word into the correct place in the crossword diagram. Solve this fun activi...
“A person doesn’t just walk around on this earth for 20 or 30 years and not run into somebody along the way who wouldn’t want to know that they’re dead,” Ellingburgh said. “Everybody has a mother, right?” For those who try to identify the Does, the presence of the unclaime...
weird clothes weird idea 反义词 impatient 副词 thoroughly 最后,最终 记着去做 记得曾经做过的事 极冷的天气 冷冻食品 加速 奇怪的(近义词 strange) 奇装异服 怪诞的念头 四 Phrases: -1- / 4 word 1.be on 2.pour into 3.vanish down the drain 4.turn the tap off 5.look round 6.s...
to presume upon the clue C. to be detected in the trace D. judging from the appearance Part III Situational Dialogues (5 minutes, 10 points) Directions: There are 10 incomplete dialogues in this part. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that ...
Fill in the crossword so that all the missing words (acts, flag, food, oats) are included(包括). You have been given one letter from a word as a clue (线索). 115. Each cube is a view of the same cube (每个方块为同一个方块的五个不同角度的图 示). What are the two missing ...
to presume upon the clue C. to be detected in the trace D. judging from the appearance Part III Situational Dialogues (5 minutes, 10 points) Directions: There are 10 incomplete dialogues in this part. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that ...