react-aria-Input { grid-area: input; padding: 0.286rem 1.714rem 0.286rem 0.286rem; margin: 0; border: 1px solid var(--border-color); border-radius: 6px; background: var(--field-background); font-size: 1.143rem; color: var(--field-text-color); &::-webkit-search-cancel-button, &...
env.mjs middleware.ts .env.example .eslintrc.cjs .gitignore components.json drizzle.config.ts next.config.mjs package-lock.json package.json postcss.config.cjs prettier.config.cjs tailwind.config.ts tsconfig.jsonBreadcrumbs nextflix /src /app /(main) /search / search-input.tsx Late...
tailwind react flowbite nextjs datepicker dateselector dateinput date omikkel• 1.4.3 • a year ago • 8 dependents • ISCpublished version 1.4.3, a year ago8 dependents licensed under $ISC 23,685 react-native-tailwindcss A React Native translation of TailwindCSS react native tailwind ...
@starlightromero/react-neumorphism A neumorphism React component library starlightromero •1.0.3•4 years ago•0dependents•MITpublished version1.0.3,4 years ago0dependentslicensed under $MIT 21 @weslink/vue-pincode Neumorphism styled pincode input field for Vue.js ...
React-admin Redux Remix Sass Scala ScalarDB ScalarDL styled components Tailwind Testing Library Twilio TypeScript Vite Vue CLI vue-router Vue.js webpack Solve docs challenges with a search engine Docs are only helpful when your users can find answers easily. Enter DocSearch. ...
import React, { ChangeEvent, forwardRef, memo, useImperativeHandle, useState, Dispatch, } from "react" import { IconSearch, IconXCircle } from "@/icons" import { cleanQuery } from "@/utils/cleanQuery" export type SearchRef = { getValue: () => string setValue: Dispatch<React.SetState...
Free: Customizable input label, shortcode, search widget, set max. number of search results Premium version(69.99€/year): Search filters, custom loader, exclude out of stock items, sale badge More info / Download 12.Search & Filter
<script> import { MDBInput, MDBBtn, MDBIcon } from 'mdb-vue-ui-kit'; import { ref } from 'vue'; export default { components: { MDBInput, MDBBtn, MDBIcon }, setup() { const search1 = ref(''); return { search1, }; }, }; </script> <script setup lang="ts"> import {...
The first input field is a text field with ‘Where’. The user must enter a city, region, or hotel name in this field. The user must specify the check-in and check-out dates in the check-in and check-out fields. When you click on these fields,date pickersappear, allowing you to ...
Options should be sorted by frequency Options should be limited to first 10-20, with ability to fetch more on request Search and sorting is done in main thread, so there is slight latency on keyboard input There is no full-text ssearch (only substring match), but this is irrelevant, beca...