You can do this by creating a search help in the ABAP Dictionary and attaching it to the corresponding screen field.UseThe input help (F4 help) is a standard function of the SAP system. You can display the list of all possible input values for a screen field using input help. You can...
另外, 如果未使用该选项,但 F4 Help 还是会出现 (有固定值或检查表的情况下),但不进行有效性检查了 12.10.2. 检查表 Check Table --- Value Table 也可以在 Domain 中指定一个值表( Value Table )作为字段取值范围的限制,但是与指定 固定值 的方式不同的是:为一个 Domain 简单地指定一个取值表不会...
PARAMETERS:l_logrt type zwerks_logrt-logrt. *第4种,selection screen 中的 :日期类型的search help。这种方法要注意在dialogue screen 中,要在元素清单中reference中 l_data添加DATS, *按钮才会出来,否则要按F4,才能出来帮助按钮。 PARAMETERS:l_data type dats. *第5种:dialogue screen 中的 屏幕下拉框。 d...
SAP ABAP - Search Help - Search Help, another repository object of ABAP Dictionary, is used to display all the possible values for a field in the form of a list. This list is also known as a hit list. You can select the values that are to be entered in t
1.HELP-REQUST[FOR{LOW|HIGH}]字段的F1帮助 当选择SAP屏幕功能的制定字段按F1键时可以调关注用自定义的程序或者系统帮助文件,该功能通常称为F1帮助。 2.VALUE-REQUEST[FOR {LOW|HIGH}]字段的F4键帮助 当指定字段按F4时,可以调用自定义的程序或者系统帮助数据。该过程是通过单击F4事件来触发,所以也可以通过abap事...
【第一篇】SAP ABAP7.5x新语法之预定义数据结构 并不好,那么可以直接去看HELP,这样更直接,我这里只是做记录,如果读者朋友感兴趣,可以关注公众号,也可以在本文末留言,毕竟谁都不会那么厉害,什么内容都会,总会有说错或者不会的。ABAP关键字...其他关键字,并非所有语句都使用关键字引入或包含ABAP字。关注公众号:SAP...
Requesting you to kindly provide your valuable comments and ratings. Also i would be happy if you could add some more points on this regard. :smile: Thanks and Regards, Hi, Thanks for sharing this document its nice document and help to sap fresher and others. Regards, kumar....
21,000 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Experts, I am a novice to ABAP, I am working on search helps. My requirement is to call a search help in a function module. Can anyone please throw some light on this. Any inputs will be helpful. Thanks, AmitaReply...
SAP ABAP中Search help的使用 ABAP中关于Search help的使用。 自己做了一个小案例,如下:只是实现Search help的功能。 REPORT ztb_window . TABLES:bkpf. DATA zz TYPE zzrstgr1."这是我自己在自定义表ZTB_CASH_FLOW自定义的字段 PARAMETERS: gjahr LIKE bkpf-gjahr."会计年度 *SELECT-OPTIONS: gjahr FOR bkpf...
Examples for Input Options for Special Search Help AttributesObject Type Attribute Input Option Action Action class Dropdown list with possible values Internal, External Message Interface Category Dropdown list with possible values Inbound, Outbound, Abstract Message Mapping Multiple Dropdown ...