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SearchGPT是一款随时在搜索引擎结果旁边显示ChatGPT回应的AI小助手。国内可直连免费使用。 SearchGPT是一个免费的浏览器扩展,可以在Google、Bing、DuckDuckGo和其他搜索引擎的结果旁边显示ChatGPT的回答。 您还可以在得到答案后立即与ChatGPT开始对话。 SearchGPT的亮点功能: ①支持所有流行的搜索引擎 ②可...
至此,其实也能看到 Arc Search 的运作逻辑。不同于 ChatGPT,Arc Search 是建立在传统搜索方式的基础上,让 AI 浏览搜索结果页上的 6 个「最佳」结果,再利用生成式 AI 的技术优势针对问题进行总结、归纳。 Arc Search 的巧妙之处在于,在 AI 生成回答前,先通过传统搜索引擎进行了一层「过滤」,筛选出内容质量较...
最简单的方法安装 ChatGPT Search 扩展程序即可:https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/chatgptsearch/ejcfepkfckglbgocfkanmcdngdijcgld?pli=1 安装后这个扩展程序会自动将 Chrome 或 Microsoft Edge 的默认搜索引擎换成 ChatGPT Search,如果你不想使用了那也可以直接删除这个扩展程序。
在Edge 中使用Microsoft Copilot - Microsoft 支持 Copilot 可以分析上传到聊天框中的文件的内容。 这意味着 Copilot 可以在使用 PowerPoint 演示文稿、PDF、Excel 电子表格、照片等时提供新的见解。 How to find and enable missing Copilot button in Microsoft 365 apps Important: Copilot in Outlook...
Once you install the extension, Yahoo will be used as your default search engine.🔎 GPT Search Navigator is a cutting-edge browser extension that...
Powered by GPT-4, the option appears to the right of the search bar. Clicking on it brings up a small window to the right that says “Taking a second look at your search…” then offers related searches for you to narrow your search. Sometimes, it won’t be able to find further res...
OpenAI GPT (Independent Publisher) OpenCage Geocoding (Independent Publisher) Open-Elevation (Independent Publisher) openFDA Drug (Independent Publisher) OpenLegacy IBM I (AS400) OpenLegacy IBM Mainframe OpenNEM (Independent Publisher) openpm (Independent Publisher) OpenQR (Independent Publisher) OpenText ...
OpenAI GPT (Independent Publisher) OpenCage Geocoding (Independent Publisher) Open-Elevation (Independent Publisher) openFDA Drug (Independent Publisher) OpenLegacy IBM I (AS400) OpenLegacy IBM Mainframe OpenNEM (Independent Publisher) openpm (Independent Publisher) OpenQR (Independent Publisher) OpenText ...
OpenAI GPT (Independent Publisher) OpenCage Geocoding (Independent Publisher) Open-Elevation (Independent Publisher) openFDA Drug (Independent Publisher) OpenLegacy IBM I (AS400) OpenLegacy IBM Mainframe OpenNEM (Independent Publisher) openpm (Independent Publisher) OpenQR (Independent Publisher) OpenText ...