RRR(R) indicates the guitar's place production for that year. NOTE: This number includes all models for a particular reissue year - so, for example, a 1958 Reissue serial number may include '58 Reissue LP Standard and '58 Explorer production. Example: 7 5123 is the 123rd 1957 reissue mo...
Ferret was originally the thinnest of wrappers (7 lines of code in my .vimrc) around ack. The earliest traces of it can be seen in the initial commit to my dotfiles repo in May, 2009 (https://wincent.dev/h).So, even though Ferret has a new name now and actually prefers rg then...
{ "keyVaultKeyName": "Name of the Azure Key Vault key used for encryption", "keyVaultKeyVersion": "Version of the Azure Key Vault key", "keyVaultUri": "URI of Azure Key Vault, also referred to as DNS name, that provides the key. An example URI might be https://my-keyvault-...
{ "keyVaultKeyName": "Name of the Azure Key Vault key used for encryption", "keyVaultKeyVersion": "Version of the Azure Key Vault key", "keyVaultUri": "URI of Azure Key Vault, also referred to as DNS name, that provides the key. An example URI might be https://my-keyvault-...
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