Module: ExchangePowerShell Applies to: Exchange Server 2010, Exchange Server 2013, Exchange Server 2016, Exchange Server 2019This cmdlet is available only in on-premises Exchange. Use the Search-Mailbox cmdlet to search a mailbox and copy the results to a specified target mailbox, delete ...
PowerShell Search-Mailbox-Identity"April Stewart"-SearchQuery'Subject:"Your bank statement"'-DeleteContent This example searches April Stewart's mailbox for messages that contain the phrase "Your bank statement" in the subject and deletes the messages from the source mailbox. You have to be ass...
模块: ExchangePowerShell 适用于: Exchange Server 2010, Exchange Server 2013, Exchange Server 2016, Exchange Server 2019, Exchange Online 此cmdlet 可在本地 Exchange 和基于云的服务中使用。 一些参数和设置可能只适用于某个特定的环境。 使用Search-Mailbox cmdlet 可以搜索邮箱并将结果复制到指定的目标邮箱...
确认无误后,然后再使用下面命令进行批量删除 Import-Csv -Path 'C:\list\MailList.csv' | Foreach {Search-Mailbox -SearchQuery '主题:"Re:WK32"' -DeleteContent -Force -Identity $_.Email} 1. 如果需要删除特定DB的邮件,可以使用下面的命令 Import-Csv -Path 'C:\list\dbList.csv' | Foreach {get...
使用Search-MailboxAuditLog 指令程式搜尋與指定之搜尋字詞相符的信箱稽核記錄項目。 如需下方<語法>一節中參數集的詳細資訊,請參閱 Exchange Cmdlet 語法。SyntaxPowerShell 複製 Search-MailboxAuditLog [[-Identity] <MailboxIdParameter>] [-ShowDetails] [-DomainController <Fqdn>] [-EndDate <ExDateTi...
PowerShell コピー New-MailboxSearch -Name "Hold-ProjectX" -SourceMailboxes DG-Finance -InPlaceHoldEnabled $true次の使用例は、Hold-ProjectX という名前のIn-Place保留を作成し、配布グループのすべてのメンバーを保留DG-Financeします。 この検索では SearchQuery と ItemHoldPeriod パラメータ...
PowerShell Copy Start-MailboxSearch [-Identity] <SearchObjectIdParameter> [-Confirm] [-DomainController <Fqdn>] [-Force] [-Resume] [-StatisticsStartIndex <Int32>] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]DescriptionYou can use In-Place eDiscovery to search one or more specified mailboxes or all ...
The Search-MailboxAuditLog cmdlet performs a synchronous search of mailbox audit logs for one or more specified mailboxes and displays search results in the Exchange Management Shell window. To search mailbox audit logs for multiple mailboxes and have the results sent by email to specified ...
You can use the Exchange Admin Center (EAC) web interface or theSearch-MailboxPowerShell cmdlet to search email items in user mailboxes. This command allows you to search for emails in mailboxes by certain criteria, copy the found items to another mailbox, or remove them. ...
The body of the email message contains search metadata such as search parameters and the time when the search request was submitted. The results are attached in an .xml file.To search mailbox audit logs for a single mailbox and have the results displayed in the Exchange Management Shell ...