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# 可以使用docker load从本地文件中导入到本地docker镜像库 [root@docker ~]# docker load < /opt/centos.tar.gz #导入本地镜像到docker镜像库 [root@docker~]# docker images #查看镜像导入情况 REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED VIRTUAL SIZE latest 60e65a8e4030 5 days ago 196.6 MB 1...
docker run -it centos:7 /bin/bash #2、永久性进入,退出后还是运行状态 docker run -itd centos:7 /bin/bash 或者 dockers start 【容器id】 #需要先运行容器 docker exec -it 【容器ID】 /bin/bash 3、③docker attach,会通过连接stdin,连接到容器内输入输出流,公在输入exit后终止容器进程(临时性的,不...
Search Docker Hub for images Options OptionDefaultDescription -f, --filter Filter output based on conditions provided --format Pretty-print search using a Go template --limit Max number of search results --no-trunc Don't truncate output
配置docker阿里云镜像加速(docker.service文件、daemon.json文件) Docker deamon配置文件deamon.json说明 docker镜像相关操作:images、history、commit、build、tag、pull、push、rmi、search base 镜像;docker镜像的分层结构+写时复制Copy-on-Write 在多个 Docker Host 上使用镜像;docker镜像tag ...
Docker-compose In many cases, you may want to use Manticore in conjunction with other images specified in a Docker Compose YAML file. Below is the minimal recommended configuration for Manticore Search in a docker-compose.yml file: version:'2.2'services:manticore:container_name:manticoreimage:mantic...
On Typesense Cloud we serve more than10 BILLIONsearches per month. Typesense's Docker images have been downloaded over 12M times. We've recently started documenting who's using it in ourShowcase. If you'd like to be included in the list, please feel free to editSHOWCASE.mdand send us ...
It is not just about Docker Hub. The following command would give you the same result: docker search debian You could also search for “debian” on GitHub. The second result for me was teddysun/shadowsocks_install.“debian” is only in the description of the repository, so this is not ...
ossobv/ubuntu Custom ubuntu image from scratch (based on o…0pivotaldata/ubuntu-gpdb-dev Ubuntu imagesforGPDB development0pivotaldata/ubuntu16.04-build Ubuntu16.04imageforGPDB compilation0 搜索官方提供的带有ubuntu关键字的镜像: # docker search --filter=is-official=trueubuntu ...
除了docker push, docker pull, 我们用的最多可能是docker search , 那么怎么search 私有registry呢? man docker search的结果告诉我们: 代码语言:javascript 复制 DESCRIPTIONSearch Docker Hubforimages that match the specifiedTERM.The tableofimages returned displays the name,description(truncated bydefault),number...