A Laboratory Search for a Long-Range T-odd, P-odd Interaction from Axion-Like Particles using Dual Species Nuclear Magnetic Resonance with Polarized Xe-129... M. Bulatowicz et al., "Laboratory search for a long-range T -Odd, P-Odd interaction from axionlike particles using dual-species nu...
Skeletal age estimation for forensic purposes: A comparison of GP, TW2 and TW3 methods on an Italian sample Results show no significant differences among estimated and chronological age for TW3 and, to a lesser extent, GP. The TW2 proved to be the worst of ... V Pinchi,FD Luca,F Ricciard...
You can use a Comments class for that.from youtubesearchpython import * # You can either pass an ID or a URL video_id = "_ZdsmLgCVdU" comments = Comments(video_id) print(f'Comments Retrieved: {len(comments.comments["result"])}') while comments.hasMoreComments: print('Getting more ...
” rituals.Victims may be resuscitated common via suffocation torture. These are utilized for punishment, and are a common part of certain with oxygen. Forced eating of flesh, excrement, and other fetid material: This is routine and is generally force fed or given to ...
Constricts search results to a specified country code. LocatorSearchSource declaredClass String The name of the class. Accessor defaultZoomScale Number Sets the scale of the MapView or SceneView for the resulting search result, if the locator service doesn’t return an extent with a scale. ...
Search for R-parity violating decays of sneutrinos to eμ, μτ, and eτ pairs in pp collisions at square root s = 1.96 TeV. 来自 NCBI 喜欢 0 阅读量: 29 作者: T Aaltonen,J Adelman,B Alvarez González,S Amerio,D Amidei,A Anastassov,A Annovi,J Antos,G Apollinari,J Appel ...
We present a search for f_J(2220) production in radiative J/psi -> gamma f_J(2220) decays using 460 fb-1 of data collected with the BABAR detector at the SLAC PEP-II e+e- collider. The f_J(2220) is searched for in the decays to K+K- and KsKs. No evidence of this resonance...
For more information about creating the OpenSearch XML file, see Search provider discovery.ADMX info and settingsADMX infoGP English name: Configure additional search engines GP name: ConfigureAdditionalSearchEngines GP element: ConfigureAdditionalSearchEngines_Prompt GP path: Windows Component...
Well, for a newer site, if Google puts you in a place you don’t want to be, you’re probably better off starting over from a different angle. For people searching the web, it’s a little more complicated. Google is NOT designed to be the best search engine on the planet. Now ...
A.A. v. USA U.S. District Courts | Kentucky Eastern District Court | Personal Injury | 3:22-cv-00027 | 05/16/2022 DOCKET 02/13/2025 (#58) ORDER: 1. THE JOINT MOTION TO APPROVE SETTLEMENT [R. #50 ] IS GRANTED AND THE SETTLEMENTS FOR A.A. ARE APPROVED; 2. ANITA ANGLIN, AS...