If you want to find results that use a very specific phrase, surround your search term in quotation marks to tell Google you only want to see results that match that exact phrase. This is helpful on multiple occasions. Maybe you're trying to determine if something is plagiarized. Pick a ...
Hybrid search: exact + semantic Query time boosting Search result match highlighting with document fragments Aggregations/faceting support: terms facet numeric range facet date range facet message:=struct{IdstringFromstringBodystring}{Id:"example",From:"marty.schoch@gmail.com",Body:"bleve indexing is...
Search terms are matched in sequence from the first character in the payload word or phrase. The search termusermatchesuser_1anduser_2, but does not match the following phrases:ruser,myuser, oranyuser. Quick filter searches use the English locale.Localeis a setting that identifies language or...
You can write a word or phrase or specify the needed sender, date (except for the exact dates such as 06.07.2020, September 5th, etc.), and so on. Spark understands natural language; you can type, “from Amazon last month” to see how it works. ...
☝️ This YouTube search operator returns relevant results but I noticed that some of the results are not necessarily exact word matches. For example, the command "what is seo and how it works" also returns results with the phrase “what is seo and how does it work”. This indicates ...
💡 The search commandintitle:marie heyneswill find web pages with the phrase “marie haynes” in the title. My intent with this search is to find articles or interviews with Marie Haynes. ☝️ Note that this command doesn’t force an exact-word match. What you put afterintitle:works ...
You can write a word or phrase or specify the needed sender, date (except for the exact dates such as 06.07.2020, September 5th, etc.), and so on. Spark understands natural language; you can type, “from Amazon last month” to see how it works. If you have multiple accounts, you ...
Search Input: Search phrase or query text Number of Results: How many results show up at once. This can be useful for pagination. Result defaults to 10 but can be edited. Start From Result #: The number the entity will start search from. E.g From Result # 5 will skip the first 4 ...
Quotation Marks (”“): Enclose a phrase in quotation marks to search for the exact phrase. This helps in finding specific information, quotes, or titles. For example, searching for “best digital marketing strategies” will yield results containing that exact phrase. Minus Sign (-): Exclude ...
Exact search: god Phrase search: "seven heavens" Logical relations - OR: prayer ANDNOT charity Logical relations - AND: prayer AND charity Logical relations - OR: prayer OR charity Wildcards - Joker *: pray* Wildcards - Joker ?: produc? Fielded search: lang:fr Fielded search (2) : auth...