//github.com/octocat/Spoon-Knife/commit/bb4cc8d3b2e14b3af5df699876dd4ff3acd00b7f", "comments_url": "https://api.github.com/repos/octocat/Spoon-Knife/commits/bb4cc8d3b2e14b3af5df699876dd4ff3acd00b7f/comments", "commit": { "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/octocat/Spoon-...
NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork36 Star31 master 11Branches76Tags Code Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit cezary-witkowski [MNT-24604] Search - Reindexing Txid ignores Sharding method (#2177) ...
class Product < ApplicationRecord searchkick callbacks: false # add the callbacks manually after_commit :reindex, if: -> (model) { model.previous_changes.key?("name") } # use your own condition endReindex all models - Rails onlyrake searchkick:reindex:all...
In our scenario, there are a few ways you might get to this view. You might've found some sidebar code from the global search and selected theBlameoption to see who worked on it last, or maybe you found a pull request and tracked that back to the last commit that ...
commitIndex(已提交的最高日志条目索引) 已知的最高的被认为已提交的日志条目的索引,初始值为0,单调递增。 用于标识哪些日志条目已安全地被复制到大多数服务器,可以被应用到状态机。 lastApplied(已应用到状态机的最高日志条目索引) 已应用到状态机的最高的日志条目的索引,初始值为0,单调递增。
We have released all our source code related to the Searchdaimon enterprise search engine to GitHub, with full commit history. We will from now on be using this GitHub repository internally as our only source code repository. It is currently about 100K lines of code. These is the full source...
Initial commit 3年前 README.md Update README.md 2年前 README Apache-2.0 LibraryBookSearchEngine 图书馆图书搜索引擎 LibraryBookSearchEngine 图书馆图书搜索引擎 LibraryBookSearchEngine,link librarys of all Countries, search all resources of books. 图书馆图书搜索引擎,在家链接全球148个国家的公共图书馆...
GitHub的里程碑为今后的改进工作铺设了道路。 我们正在寻找合作伙伴,围绕Jina建立一个开放治理模式(如技术指导委员会),以建立一个健康的开源生态系统和开发者友好的文化。如果您有兴趣参与,请随时联系我们,地址是hello@jina.ai. 许可证 Copyright (c) 2020 Jina AI Limited.保留所有权利。
Preventing Secrets in your repositories (EE) It's a bad idea to commit secrets (such as keys and certificates) to your repositories: they'll be cloned to the machines of anyone that has access to the repository, only one of which has to be insecure for the information to be compromised....
添加到暂存 C:\Users\li\optimize\itsm>git commit -m "问题/事件列表处理详情指派处理优化"..添加描述 C:\Users\li\optimize\itsm>git push origin namer即可完成代码上传到github 需要提示 分享152 电脑学校吧 青衫故人º✨ 乘风破浪的程序员们必备知识:git全方位学习工欲善其事必先利其器,对于乘风破浪的...