Div0D+pC3BU+Ja17GZm1l+ccdqGSgkAf4qJ7UH0Rv9V8TXnVe0O+H8Vt6G mpxpQqAzbpdh2EpZ3iNb5SVvmXPk2fQ0nyWVchSU4bS0KOVoUj1claUqjily+CsIl4TsLXNtC6O/ spy4JjGsWD6/id0//2y8QD1LkDQGl80K7sX5KAXO79CwFCV1dgIPdU5WU3ITncla7Rfw+2ItupBV FypSP0jyyuFqGfLFBw1Qggqhog2WGh215zbQ/U4JgCR/fCAyDV...
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(bdgteeoeekarfllfiept)soklentsetlt.rhaeaigeTcfmcpetnr,eohpo,nptetlnehimililr.sktmnsaeeeae.g.dnitfT,prenhrinttehcrsoreuaketieerem3nc.dfsenduhTegiTicatclsrrtutehbateehedfrrnlaaedteeeee,ccdsnehhifeodaauitbbarsetetlluddeeearecenhtoaitmbeldee as cPeil(lskf)opr=amth{asn;Peit(xhkpea+ndl1-it...
differences (p ≤ 0.05) between groups after post hoc unpaired t-tests. 33..44.. CCoorrrreellaattiioonnbbeettwweeeennKKCCDDeennssiittyyaannddCCooggnniittiivveeIImmppaaiirrmmeenntt AAssiiggnniifificcaannttppoossiittiivveeccoorrrreellaattiioonn((rr== 00..3388,,pp== 00..000033)) hhaa...
私人的 privilege n.待权 PriZe n.奖赏.奖品 PrObably ad.很町能・大概 PrObIem n.问題,难題 PrOCCdUrC n.稈序•于续 PrOCCsS n・&v・步骤:加工,处理 ProdUCC vt・工产:制适 ProdUCt n.产品产物;产尿;出产 PrOdUCtiOn n.生产:制适 PrOfCSSiOn n.(需耍右高等教育学位的)职业(如医 生或矗...
In the present implementation, the video camera includes a CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) image sensor (although a charge-coupled device (CCD) image sensor may also be used), an LED indicator, and hardware-based real-time data compression and encoding apparatus so that compressed ...
座 SCaWCCd n.海草,海鴻,海帯 SCCOnd n.秒 SCCOnd num.第二 a.第二的 SCCOndhand m 二『货;旧货 SeCrCt n.秘密,内情 SCCrCuHy n.秘书:书记 SeCtiOn n.段・部分•部门 SCCUrC a.无忧.虑的・安全的 SeCUrity n.安全 SCC (saw, SCCn) Vt 右见,右到:领会:JI-ZS Seed n.种子 melon SCCd ...
Web search results are automatically grouped through semantic, hierarchical, online clustering (SHOC) [49]. A web page is considered as a string of characters where a cluster label is defined as a meaningful substring which is both specific and significant. The latent semantic of documents is ...