通过 Lens 进行图像搜索后,您现在可以提出其他问题或在搜索中添加参数以缩小结果范围。谷歌对该功能的用例包括购买具有不同颜色的特定图案的衣服,或者将您的相机对准自行车车轮,然后输入“如何修复”以查看有关自行车维修的指南和视频。据谷歌称,目前多重搜索的最佳用例是购物结果。 该公司将于周四向 Android 和 iOS...
IT之家 12 月 6 日消息,Google Photos 内置的 Google Lens 功能,可以在你遇到不认识的东西之后,通过拍照来帮助你识别。虽然该应用提供了该功能,但是普通消费者并没为将 Lens 和“拍照识图”功能联系起来,因此谷歌决定新增名为“Search”的快速搜索入口。 IT之家援引 Android Police 报道,Google Photos 正在测试一...
IT之家12 月 6 日消息,Google Photos 内置的 Google Lens 功能,可以在你遇到不认识的东西之后,通过拍照来帮助你识别。虽然该应用提供了该功能,但是普通消费者并没为将 Lens 和“拍照识图”功能联系起来,因此谷歌决定新增名为“Search”的快速搜索入口。 IT之家援引 Android Police 报道,Google Photos 正在测试一项...
Screen Lens – Google Lens for PC Screen Lens brings the power of Google Lens to your desktop. With one click, search your screen’s content—text, images, objects, and more—using Google Lens, without needing to upload anything. Consider it the ‘circle to search’ feature, typica...
IT之家 12 月 6 日消息,Google Photos 内置的 Google Lens 功能,可以在你遇到不认识的东西之后,通过拍照来帮助你识别。虽然该应用提供了该功能,但是普通消费者并没为将 Lens 和“拍照识图”功能联系起来,因此谷歌决定新增名为“Search”的快速搜索入口。
Google Lens for Chrome is finally live in all stable versions. The feature is not enabled by default, however, so you'll have to toggle a flag to get it. The flag is called "Context Menu Search with Google Lens." Go to chrome://flags in your browser and search for the flag. When...
Google Lens for Chrome is finally live in all stable versions. The feature is not enabled by default, however, so you'll have to toggle a flag to get it. The flag is called "Context Menu Search with Google Lens." Go to chrome://flags in your browser and search for the flag. When...
Everyone I know hates Google Lens, people want Google reverse image search like it used to be! Reply N NoBot MB{ 09 Feb 2023 Anonymous, 09 Feb 2023During Google's presentation, "If you can see it,... moreCool slogan! They forgot: if you can listen to it, you can search it. Ev...
品玩12月6日讯,据AndroidPolice消息,GooglePhotos正在测试一项新功能,用更易于理解的“Search”按钮来取代GoogleLens快捷方式。这项快速入口还将会整合面部识别功能,提供人脸/宠物识别、OCR文本选择、服装和植物识别等功能。 GooglePhotos内置的GoogleLens功能,可以在你遇到不认识的东西之后,通过拍照来帮助你识别。虽然此前...