在COBOL中,SEARCH ALL是用于在已排序的表中进行二分查找的语句。它的语法如下: ``` SEARCH ALL table-name AT END perform end-perform-statement WHEN search-condition perform perform-statement END-SEARCH ``` 其中,`table-name`是一个已排序的表或数组,`end-perform-statement`是在查找结束时执行的语句,`...
其中,是需要查找的有序表,可以是一个数组或一个带有索引的表。<end-statement>是当查找到达表尾时执行的语句,可以是任意合法的COBOL语句。 <condition-1>, <condition-2>,…, <condition-n>是用来指定搜索条件的条件语句。每个条件语句后面都跟着一个相应的<perform-statement>,用于指定在满足该条件时需要执行的...
A suite of tools for reverse-engineering and validating COBOL programs has been developed as part of the ESPRIT REDO project. These tools produce functional abstractions, object-oriented designs and documentation from raw source code, with the aim of improving comprehensibility and maintainability."会议...
(function () { "use strict"; var suggestionList = ["ActionScript", "Ada", "Basic", "C", "C#", "C++", "Clipper", "Clojure", "COBOL", "ColdFusion", "Dart", "Delphi", "Erlang", "F#", "Haskell", "HTML", "Java", "JavaScript", "LISP", "Objective-C", "Pascal", "Perl"...
Ask questions in natural language, search for code and generate patches using your existing codebase as context. Engineers are increasing their productivity by using bloop to: Explain how files or features work in simple language Write new features, using their code as context Understand how to ...
Police news and all the latest law enforcement data available, police departments, police forums, search to find criminals, bad guys, sex offender database, prostitution arrests, security systems
After you complete a remote z/OS search, the results are reported in the Remote z/OS Search view. Use this view to sort or filter the search results, edit or browse returned files, refine the search results, or add returned files to a project or subproje
You can use theRemote z/OS Searchwindow to run an AND search query: Open theRemote z/OS Searchwindow. In theContent stringsfield, type a search string with the following syntax: .*<literal1>.+<literal2> To find all lines in a program that contain the stringsIFandWS-PHARM, for example...
I have a sorted text, the first 12 characters is sorted as the key. This file may contain thousands of lines. I read another file to get keys, I would like...