regexp?: boolean When true, interpret the search string as a regular expression. replace?: string The replace text. wholeWord?: boolean Enable whole-word matching. search: string The search string (or regular expression). caseSensitive: boolean Indicates whether the search is case-sensitive. lit...
This CLE course will guide healthcare counsel using boilerplate provisions in healthcare contracts. The panel will discuss identifying and avoiding the pitfalls of boilerplate contract clauses in these agreements. The panel will also provide insight into structuring individualized language to fit th.....
Zoekt supports fast substring and regexp matching on source code, with a rich query language that includes boolean operators (and, or, not). It can search individual repositories, and search across many repositories in a large codebase. Zoekt ranks search results using a combination of code-rel...
This CLE course will guide business counsel in identifying and avoiding the pitfalls of boilerplate contract clauses in commercial agreements. The panel will explain how to adapt standard contract provisions to the unique circumstances of a business transaction, such as choice of forum, choice of ...
Vehicle data is very useful for workshops, when ordering parts, identifying correct technical data, while MOT history helps to identify possible issues when buying a car.Mileage history shows usage patterns and inconsistencies to help evaluate a car when purchasing....
Sweden Frederick I copper "Nicobar" Plate Money 4 Daler 1746 XF (Shipwreck Effect), Avesta mint, KM-PM74. 260x218mm. Salvaged from the "Nicobar" (sunk in 1783 off Cape Whale, South Africa). An expansive and always incredibly popular type, here in its largest format and with a shipwreck...
a b c d e f g h i k l m n o p q r s t u v w Enumerations Enumerator Classes Class List Class Index Class Hierarchy Class Members All : a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ~ Functions a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q ...
各位师傅,“Search”是什么字体哟? 这款字体是Poppins Light, SVN-PoppinsLight, Poppins Light, GaraMount, Hisense Sans Alfabet Light字体。众识社区将帮助你识别字体,寻求网友分享字体识别答案、知识、经验和见解。
(1212-1223). Ae Fals / Copper Unit. Obv: Asomtavruli legend in four lines: ' Giorgi, Son of Tamar, Javakh` ruler'. Rev: Arabic legend in four lines: 'Highest King, Glory of the world and faith, Giorgi, son of Tamar, Sword of Messiah'. Pachomov pg. 99, no. 65; plate IX,...
"" "" "" "" "" Expand Down Expand Up @@ -38,13 +39,16 @@ func New(p Params...