1840 US Census Date: June 1, 1840 (All reported data is “as of” this official date chosen by the census agency) 1840 Census Duration: 18 months 1840 US Census Population: 17,069,453 President During 1840 Census: Martin Van Buren 31 States participated. New States in 1840 census: Arkans...
Search Free U.S. Census Records OnlineUS Census InformationThe U.S. census was authorized by the ratification of the U.S. Constitution. United States Census Records were completed for the following years: 1790, 1800, 1810, 1820, 1830, 1840, 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890, 1900, 1910, ...
Transportation of convicts was stopped in 1840, although it continued to Van Diemen’s Land and Moreton Bay (which later became Queensland) for several years more. Perth in Western Australia didn’t prosper and requested convicts. South Australia was the only Australian colony settled solely by ...
Follow the migration pattern of your US ancestors. Surname Facts Surname Distribution SearchMaps of Surname Distribution in 1840, 1880, and 1920 based on the U. S. census. Surname: Use the drop down box to follow your surname through the different years of the United States census. You ...
New South Wales ceased accepting transported convicts in 1840 and subsequently all convicted prisoners were sent to Van Diemens Land. The few SA convicts who ended up on Norfolk Island were sent to Sydney after the NSW mainland had ceased, albeit unofficially, accepting convicts and the officials...
RÖM. DEUTSCHES REICH. Stände von Böhmen und Mähren 1619-1620, AR-Rechenpfennig 1619, Dickabschlag. Sammleranfertigung um 1840. Mit Nennung von Johan Albin Graf von Schlick. 11,17 g. Vgl. Slg. Donebauer: 6078 (dort nicht als Dickabschlag). Grünliche Patina. gutes vorzüglic...
Visit of Queen Victoria to the City of London 1837 50mm diameter a restrike in bronze, as BHM 1775,EF lacquered, Coronation of Queen Victoria 1838 65mm diameter in White Metal by Davis, BHM 1807, VF, possibly once gilded, Marriage of Prince Albert 1840 27mm diameter in White Metal by All...
When Mary’s father died in 1840 he left a trail of debt, and Mary became convinced she would benefit from starting all over again by emigrating to New Zealand. Her youngest brother William Waring Taylor emigrated to Wellington in 1842, but Mary first spent several years studying music, ...
Map data courtesy of the US Census Bureau, Google, and the US Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service. Cattle statistic courtesy of Oregon State University. Standard Open space groups have had a long relationship with rural San Mateo County. ...
sicarius, meaning dagger men, murderers). A name given to and... Astonishment ASTONISHMENT. (תִּמָּהﯴן, H9451, meaning confusion of mind, bewilderment, panic; שָׁמֵמ֒, H9037,... Banner BANNER (דֶּ֫גֶל, H18...