海狐Seafox 海狐SEAFOX,中国制造。成立于2006年5月,专注铝镁合金游艇的设计、研发、生产、销售及海钓俱乐部运营为一体的创造型企业,一直为客户提供从应用设计、研发制造、维修保养以及海钓休闲等为一体的全方位个性化解决方案。“海狐”品牌被认定为中国铝镁合金钓鱼艇驰名商标。 源于澳州设计与灵感,秉持德国的工匠精神。
Temporary Living Quarters Read more Our fleet The page was not found. Read more Offshore support services Our fleet is equipped to provide a wide scope of services. Accommodation, crane support, well testing, work over, transportation, installation and decommissioning. ...
The SeaFox system is a mine disposal system based on the most advanced concept using the Expendable Mine Disposal Vehicle principle (EMDV). Small, unmanned underwater drones are used for direct disposal of historical and most modern mine types; identical, reusable vehicles (without charge) are ...
seafox/'si:fɔks/ 添加到生词本 英汉-汉英词典 n.长尾鲛 用户正在搜索 Iecnum,IED,IEDB,IEDU,IEE,IEEE,IEF,IEI,IEK,IEL, 相似单词 sea-foam,seafolk,seafood,seafoods,seafowl,seafox,seafront,Seagate,seagirt,sea-god, 英汉-汉英词典 n.长尾鲛 ...
The SeaFox system is a mine disposal system based on the most advanced concept using the Expendable Mine Disposal Vehicle principle (EMDV). Small, unmanned underwater drones are used for direct disposal of historical and most modern mine types; identical, reusable vehicles (without charge) are ...
英音['si:fɔks] ; 美音['si:fɔks] ; 名词[动物]长尾鲛 相似单词 seafoxn. [动物]长尾鲛 最新单词 filamentsaturation怎么翻译及发音n. 见temperature saturation filamentous怎么翻译及发音a. 细丝状的,如丝的,纤维所成的 filamentation是什么意思及反义词丝状形成 ...
The SeaFox system is a mine disposal system based on the most advanced concept using the Expendable Mine Disposal Vehicle principle (EMDV). Small, unmanned underwater drones are used for direct disposal of historical and most modern mine types; identical, reusable vehicles (without charge) are ...
2.澳洲职业钓鱼大赛标准淡水舱、海水舱、增氧舱。 3.卫生间配备进口手动马桶,及洗手盆 4.不锈钢锚链,316不锈钢专业锚。 5.三频底扫、侧扫、海图,声纳一体机 6.淡水咸水双泵系统 7.环绕行走甲板 8.美国SEASTAR液压方向机 9.美国RITCHIE罗经 10.316不锈钢舷窗 ...
海狐游艇Seafox 33尺大挑战者系列 끄收藏 ꄴ前一个: 无 ꄲ后一个: 瑞格REGAL LS2 技术参数 艇长:33'/10m 艇宽:8.52'/2.6m 吃水:1.11'/0.34m 净重:1.3t 限载人数:12人 淡水舱容:100升 燃油舱容:580升 最高航速:50节 巡航航速:40节 续航能力:200海里 引擎:250P*2 ...