PLATE-OR ROD-LIKE BAKED SEA URCHIN AND ITS PRODUCTIONPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To obtain the subject sea urchin by making sea urchin into a plate-like form using a thickening material followed by baking the plate-like form. ;SOLUTION: Sea urchin is made into a plate-like form by using a ...
Sea urchin-like carbon nanotubes Optical igniters Underwater explosion a b s t r a c t The underwater applications of nanoenergetic materials (nEMs) could be extended by developing more convenient and reliable ignition methods. However, the underwater ignition of nEMs is a significant ...
psychedelic colors are an advertisement of their toxicity, telling the ocean at large that they ain’t nothin’ to fuck with. Others that feed on cnidarians (things like jellies and anenomes) can store their food’s venomous stinging cells, putting them in fleshy extensions that cover their ba...
Along the western coast of the United States, two species of sea urchins _ the red sea urchin and purple sea urchin _ share their geographic range. Despite their overlapping geographic range, they are not known to interbreed in the wild even though they...