Systematic comparison and reconstruction of sea urchin (Echinoidea) internal anatomy: a novel approach using magnetic resonance imaging. BMC Biol. 6: 1-15.Ziegler A, Faber C, Mueller S, Bartolomaeus T. Systematic comparison and reconstruction of sea urchin (Echinoidea) internal anatomy: a novel ...
R. Koehler - who had systematically studied sea urchin internal anatomy - was presumably the first and so far the only author to briefly mention the potential homology of the dilation observed in "regular" sea urchins with the highly specialized gastric caecum found in the infaunal spatangoids ...
The Sea Urchin has a flattened, globular, calcareous shell (“test”) made up of fused ossicles (skeletal plates). From these plates protrude long, moveable spines. These spines can be tilted on ball-and-socket joints at their bases. The test is actually an internal skeleton, for tissue ...
After fertilization, the sea urchin embryo undergoes cleavages, thus forming ablastula. The first morphological evidence oflineagesegregation appears during fourth cleavage when three types of blastomeres are generated, animal mesomeres and vegetally localized macromeres and micromeres. At the 60-cell...
What is a sea urchin? A sea urchin is a small marine animal in the Echinodermata phylum that is spherical in shape and covered in spines or cilia. There are 950 species of sea urchins. Some are irregular, meaning their appearance or anatomy varies from the majority of the species. Where...
Systematic comparison and reconstruction of sea urchin (Echinoidea) internal anatomy: a novel approach using magnetic resonance imaging S, Bartolomaeus T: Systematic comparison and reconstruction of sea urchin (Echinoidea) internal anatomy: a novel approach using magnetic resonance imaging. ... A ...
Since sea cucumber auricularia larvae possess skeletal primordia that do not grow into long rods [101,134], holothurians represent a unique case to study the evolution of skeletogenesis. Similar to the sea urchin, sea cucumber skeletogenic cells derive from the mesoderm and are among the first ...
We found that the genes nodal, lefty, and pitx2 are unilaterally coexpressed in the sea urchin embryo but that, surprisingly, this expression occurs on the right, not the left side. We provide evidence that the function of Nodal on the right side is to restrict formation of the rudiment ...
Since sea cucumber auricularia larvae possess skeletal primordia that do not grow into long rods [101,134], holothurians represent a unique case to study the evolution of skeletogenesis. Similar to the sea urchin, sea cucumber skeletogenic cells derive from the mesoderm and are among the first ...
Other specimens were serially sectioned (4 μm thick) with a microtome, and slides were stained with Masson's trichrome method (Suvarna et al., 2013) for reconstructions of the internal anatomy. The study specimens are deposited in the Invertebrate Collection at Museo de La Plata, La Plata,...