An example are the sea urchin barrens and canopy algae (e.g. kelp beds) which represent alternative stable states. More precisely, the variation in grazing intensity in coastal rocky system may drive switches between one complex state into the barren state, the former dominated by erect algae ...
Sea urchin barrens have multiple feedback loops which could maintain barrens as an alternative stable state2,24,25. The dynamics of productive, species-rich, macroalgal-dominated kelp forests are nonlinear and can rapidly transform into unproductive, species-poor urchin-dominated barrens known as a ...
The population dynamics of this sea urchin species are well known—urchin barrens have persisted for many decades along most of the coastlines off the archipelagos of Madeira, Selvages, and the Canary Islands, where they limit macroalgae biomass growth. However, this new and explosive mortality ...
32.1) being two of the most studied sea urchin species in the world. In this chapter, we build on what is known about how these two species can undergo dramatic changes in population size, can overgraze kelp and algal communities creating sea urchin barrens (Fig. 32.2) and their resilience...
sea urchin n (Animals) any echinoderm of the class Echinoidea, such as Echinus esculentus (edible sea urchin), typically having a globular body enclosed in a rigid spiny test and occurring in shallow marine waters Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Harp...
The Urchinomics Solution Urchinomics collects sea urchins from the increasing number of urchin barrens in Japan and overseas, feeds them with naturally derived feed to transform them into a delicacy suitable for human consumption. The cultured sea urchins are sold, and profits from sales are re-...
Meanwhile, off the coasts of California and Tasmania, overfishing the animal’s natural predators and large-scale change in ocean circulation—believed to be an effect of climate change—have turned vast stretches of seafloor into “urchin barrens” that remind you of moonscapes. The urchins multip...
and entrepreneurs are hoping to avert such a grim future. Their plan is to develop a new fishery for the overpopulated urchins, which number in the tens of millions, turning a scourge into an opportunity while creating clearings in the urchin barrens where kelp may have a chance to regrow....
These areas are described as "sea urchin barrens". Research at Checleset Bay, Vancouver Island, and elsewhere has shown that introduced Sea Otters greatly reduce the urchin populations, allowing extensive stands of kelp to develop. These "kelp forests" drastically change the reef environment, ...
在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“sea urchin"翻译成 塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语 变形 干 匹配词 所有 精确 任何 It is thought to be eaten by sea urchins. Morske kornjače se hrane morskim spužvama. WikiMatrix North Pacific areas that do not have sea otters often turn into urchin barrens, with ...