Our promise your relentless ally in every adventure Inventing gear that enables freedom and self-reliance in any environment since 1991. @seatosummit Let’s Adventure together! Sign up to our newsletter to receive the latest updates and promotion. ...
SeaToSummit官方微博 24-08-2 16:00 发布于 广东 来自 微博网页版 Spark睡袋系列升级来袭!温暖升级!你们的睡眠新伙伴来啦!全新Spark系列睡袋,舒适度MAX!✅10D尼龙布料,防水且透气,提供额外的保护性和避免帐篷侧壁的冷凝水滴打湿羽绒✅技术型贴合的头部的兜帽,配有触感柔软的调节绳。加深的设计更舒适...
SEA TO SUMMIT 户外羽绒鹅绒睡袋 Spark 7℃-标准款 new爆料人: 无尘公子666 10-25发布 京东此款目前活动售价2698元,参与每满300元减50元优惠活动,下单1件,实付低至2298元,近期好价。 简明购买步骤 1 加购 当前商品1件 2 下单 实付2298元 京东双12抢先看,会场领400-40元多档品类券,斐乐2100-700元...
Jumpstart your spring camping with the Sea To Summit Spark 15F Down Sleeping Bag. Coming in under two pounds, the Spark fits easily into our bag for early springtime expeditions skiing to backcountry yurts and late fall trips to stunning vistas where we can watch the leaves change color. The...
SeaToSummit官方微博 2024-10-16 12:22 来自微博网页版 Spark Pro睡袋:拉链升级,自由控温🌙 夜晚露营,最怕的就是温差大,忽冷忽热让人难以入眠。🔥Spark Pro睡袋的Free-Flow拉链系统,让你轻松享受温度调节与舒适体验!无需脱下睡袋,也能轻松应对各种露营活动💪肩部设计有快扣,轻轻一扣,再拉开侧边拉链,双臂...
seatosummit轻量羽绒睡袋大人户外露营酒店隔脏睡袋冬季加厚spark(新款-Spark III-加长款(90鹅绒 蓬松度850+)) 全网比价 天猫精选 最低 ¥2308 商品介绍完善信息 我们的ULTRA-DRY Down ™羽绒经抗水处理,使羽绒免受外界水汽和内部凝水珠的困扰,解决了水汽给羽绒性能带来的负面影响。Sea to Summit 所有的羽绒睡袋...
seatosummit轻量羽绒睡袋大人户外露营酒店隔脏睡袋冬季加厚spark(新款-Spark III-标准款(90鹅绒 蓬松度850+)) seatosummit轻量羽绒睡袋大人户外露营酒店隔脏睡袋冬季加厚spark(新款-Spark 0-加长款(90鹅绒 蓬松度850+)) seatosummit轻量羽绒睡袋大人户外露营酒店隔脏睡袋冬季加厚spark(新款-Spark II-标准款(90鹅绒...
接下来这篇只针对SEA TO SUMMIT品牌,碍于题主是新手,推荐会更全面些。1、Spark和Flame系列睡袋 这款...
Delivering warmth while minimizing weight, the Sea to Summit Spark 0F sleeping bag is insulated with 850+ fill-power down, and the 10-denier shell sheds wind and condensation
SeatoSummit睡袋的产品线很齐全,口袋深的Spark系列应该可以满足重量控的山友,不然找MAMMUT(猛犸象),MountainHardwear也是很多人喜欢,但若在SeatoSummitSpark和MauntainHardwearPhantom中选择也是很难决定(这两款都要破万) SeatoSummitTKII(-8°Ccomfort)男生Regular重量改良到980g(2019年款) ...