SmallVesselSeaServiceApp Trip planning for Boat Captains The premiere application for trip planning, float plan creation, logging sea service and generating a sea service verification form.Profile View Start by adding your personal information for inclusion into the Sea service verification (CG-719S) ...
use the application to create verification of sea service required as a part of the application process for applying for and renewing a Captain's License. At your time of license renewal, populate the CG-719S (small vessel sea service verification form) with the data entered. The document can...
The AO index is constructed by projecting the daily 1000 mb height anomalies poleward of 20°N onto the loading pattern of the AO, which is the leading EOF of monthly mean 1000 mb height anomaly (National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center, In the past ...
Amplicons tagged by locus were pooled in equimolar amounts and submitted for high throughput sequencing using Roche GS FLX Titanium series chemistry, University of Otago High Throughput Sequencing Service. Obtained reads were first evaluated for quality scores and expected length before further analyses....
the API service (Gateway) is responsible for processing and distributing user requests to the respective microservices, and returning their responses to the user; the App Service (Renderer) is responsible for providing the user with the application, the 3D model, and all the interaction interfaces;...