Their preferred prey,seaurchins and abalones, are easy to break openusing the otter’steeth and anoccasional tool, but thesecreatures are becoming harderto find. Now a study hasshedlight on how using toolsenables ottersto safely feedon ...
所属专辑:天天英文读读读 NEWS RE RE READ 音频列表 1 1019 Hay fever symptom 37 2023-10 2 1019 Sea otters use tools 32 2023-10 3 1018 Neanderthal teeth study 50 2023-10 4 1018 rhyme and reason for Easter status 34 2023-10 5
Monterey Bay Sea Otters Use Tools More Than Other OttersHerald, Bethany AugliereMonterey
One of the most interesting behaviors of Sea Otters is their ability to use tools. They have been observed using rocks to crack open the shells of sea urchins, making it easier for them to eat the nutritious meat inside. This is a rare behavior among marine mammals and shows the intelligen...
Techniques previously used for studying tool use in humans and primates are now being applied to stone-wielding sea otters.
媒体英语 Sea otters ahead of dolphins in using tools 海獭学会使用工具的时间早于海豚 Play audio file 文字稿 人们经常能看到海獭仰面浮在水上用石头敲开贝壳类动物进食的场景。科学家说,海獭可能很久以前就已经学会把石头当作工具使用了,而且似乎比其它的海洋哺乳动物都要早。一项遗传研究分析了在加利福尼亚...
A new study finds that sea otters off California's coast adapt by using tools to find new food sources and prevent injuries.
热度: 希达正朝着黛格的产窝走去 CedarisheadingtowardsDagger'sden. 众所周知 Wolveshavebeenknown 狼会袭击竞争对手的巢穴,甚至杀死它们的幼崽 toraidarival'sdenandevenkilltheirpups. 它非常谨慎 She'sbeingincrediblycautious. 不过这是为了便于偷袭,还是出于害怕?
Although not all sea otters use tools, further specialization among tool-using otters is evident as some consistently use particular tools or techniques. Sea otters also appear to learn tool use though vertical social transmission with pups adopting tools and techniques used by their mothers (Tinker...
海獭是世界上,少数会使用工具的动物之一 Sea otters are one of the few animals in the world that use tools. 斯凯用一块石头当砧 With a rock as an anvil, 砸开坚硬的外壳 吃里面的蛤蜊肉 Skye smashes open the tough shells to get to the meat inside. 洛基看到妈妈又砸开了一只,便游了过去 Rocky...