sea otterEnhydra lutris 海獭汉英翻译 Enhydra lutris[医]水海獭; sea otter海獭(见于北太平洋沿岸); 词组短语 海獭皮sea otter fur 海獭属Enhydra 海狮及海獭秀Fools with Tools; Clyde&Seamore´s Risky Rescue 双语例句 1. Monterey Bay Aquarium also works to save the sea otter. ...
The scientific name of the sea otter is Enhydra lutris. Enhydra appears to come from an old Greek term that roughly translates to “in water.” The scientific name Lutris is simply the Latin word for otter. The sea otter is only one of 13 otter species, but it’s also the only living...
Sea Otter Common Name: Sea Otter Scientific Name: Enhydra lutris Type: Mammals Diet: Carnivore Average Life Span In The Wild: Up to 23 years Size: 4 feet Weight: 65 pounds Size relative to a 6-ft man: IUCN Red List Status: ? Endangered LC NT VU EN CR EW EX Least Concern Extin...
#鼬科##海獭# 英:Sea otter 学:Enhydra lutris 阿拉斯加港口下雪了,海獭也能享受雪上顾涌了[阴险] ins:majormarinetours
#鼬科##海獭# 英:Sea otter 学:Enhydra lutris 灌篮高獭! ins:oregonzoo
Sea Otter Sea otters are part of the weasel family. They have webbed feet, water-repellent fur to keep them dry and warm, and nostrils and ears that close in the water. Common Name: Sea Otter Scientific Name: Enhydra lutris Type: Mammals Diet: Carnivore Average Life Span In The Wild: ...
#鼬科##海獭# 英:Sea otter 学:Enhydra lutris 新的獭宝💟🦦这次是个小女孩,在Tofino附近被发现,结果名字就叫Tofino了,草率的加拿大人这么对女孩子[怒] ins:vammrs
#鼬科##海獭# 英:Sea otter 学:Enhydra lutris 大头大头,下雨不愁 ins:ai_ai_ai120
many mammals birth their young in the thick of winter. Elephant seals arrive at breeding grounds up and down the west coast in January and give birth within a week. Sea otters (Enhydra lutris) can give birth year-round but most are born between November and March with January and February...
#鼬科##海獭# 英:Sea otter 学:Enhydra lutris 最近原来是#SeaOtterAwarenessWeek# 怪不得所有水族馆都在放獭獭贴贴hhhh ins:seattleaquarium