Although the sea otter can breed all year round, its breeding season is from spring to fall. ©fred goldstein/ The sea otter has the ability to breed all year round, but the most active period is spring to autumn. Males will mate with multiple female partners that inhabit...
Females however are permitted to move freely between all male otter territories. Male otters reach sexual maturity at 4-6 years while the females don't breed until 2-5 years; the females continue breeding until 20 years of age. Otters breed once a year with the majority of the pups being...
sea otterEnhydra lutrisoptimal foragingniche partitioningforaging tacticsForaging specializations in large populations can reduce intraspecific competition for food. When individuals do not specialize on particular prey species, resource partitioning might occur as different search strategies at the sex and age...
Sea otters are social, and hang out together in groups called rafts. Sea otter rafts are segregated: Groups of between two and 1,000 otters are either all males or females and their young. Only adult males establish territories, which they patrol during mating season to keep out other adult...
Part of a large rookery of California sea lions on San Miguel Island, off California, on a hot day during the breeding season.PHOTO: M. A. WEBBER Sign in to download full-size image California sea lions will "porpoise" when traveling rapidly at sea. Los Islotes, Gulf of California, Mexi...
海狼们知道 当风暴强到一定程度 The sea wolves know if its bad enough, 翻滚的海水会把海獭逼上岸 the ocean might even do their hunting for them, 省了它们搜寻猎物的功夫 by forcing a sea otter ashore. 此刻 洛基需要全面的保护 Rocky needs full-on lifeguarding right now. 想在这种环境下保持温暖...
Habitat use and diet of endangered southern river otter Lontra provocax in a predominantly palustrine wetland in Chile The southern river otter Lontra provocax is an endangered species. It has a patchy distribution in southern Chile and Argentina, inhabiting both freshwater... Gonzalo,Medina-Vogel...
Coastal Rainforest Safaris delivers exciting Sea Otter and Whale Watching tours rooted in the culturally rich territories of the Kwakwaka’wakw people.
Numbers in the Sea Otter Group have been reduced to about one-quarter of their former abundance. Numbers on the Cape St. James rookery, where the population has seldom been molested, have doubled.Present rookeries include: Triangle, Sartine, and Beresford Islands, in the Scott Island group;... Antuña-Marrero JC, Otterå OH, Robock A et al (2016) Modelled and observed sea surface temper- ature trends for the Caribbean and Antilles. Int J Climatol 36:1873–1886. 1002/joc.4466 Bacon PR (1994) Template for ...