方法一:1. 打开设置,搜索凭据管理器打开 2. 选择windows凭据 3.删除该条 Xbl_Ticket丨1717113201,重新开启KK工具重上游戏即可。方法二:1.打开 运行 输入 inetcpl.cpl (“WINDOWS”+“R” 键 输入 inetcpl.cpl即可)2.点开高级 下拉,勾选“使用TLS1.2”选项,或者还原高级设置 3. 以上设置完后,重启电脑...
How to fix Llamabeard error in Sea of Thieves Check if the Steam account you are using has a purchasedSea of Thievescopy If you’re using the wrong Steam account, close the game, open Steam, and log out. Now, log in using the correct Steam account and launch the game. This should f...