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有关Sea of Thieves Sea of Thieves是个由Rare Ltd开发,为第一人称视角的多人连线、PvP海盗游戏,支援Xbox One和Windows 10双平台。 在这个色彩斑斓的世界里,你可以体验海战、宝藏、还有...各式各样的骷髅! Buy Sea of Thieves: 新手上船? 系统需求
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There are currently eight different weapons in the Sea of Thieves: CutlassMain article: CutlassThe Cutlass is a sword with a variety of special maneuvers, and was the only melee weapon in the game prior to the introduction of the Throwing Knives. A player can swing, block and dodge, ...
Sea of Thieves Wiki 分类:社区 大陆简体 Sea of Thieves Wiki:封禁用户 社区内容除另有注明外,均在CC BY-NC-SA许可协议下提供。
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