在Microsoft Store 购买 Xbox One 版或 PC 版的《盗贼之海》。开启共享世界的冒险旅程、体验海盗生涯、与同伴一起扬帆远航,成为传奇海盗! 立即购买 购买PlayStation®5 版 Sea of Thieves最新游玩平台重磅登场!这个充满探索性、宝藏和战斗的世界即将迎来 PS5® 平台上的一大批新海盗。
PS5 Version Vibration function required Buy Sea of Thieves on PlayStation Store Editions: Standard Edition Sea of Thieves - full game €39,99 Deluxe Edition Sea of Thieves - full game Ocean Crawler cosmetics Collector’s Thunderous Fury ship items ...
《盗贼之海》PS5 版开启预购,游戏下周更新 EAC 反作弊功能 IT之家 3 月 10 日消息,微软开放世界海盗冒险游戏《盗贼之海(Sea of Thieves)》将于 4 月 30 日登陆索尼 PS5,目前游戏相关版本已经在索尼 PSN 商店开启预购,IT之家整理港服售价信息如下: 标准版:售价 308 港币(当前约 283 元人民币) 豪华版:售...
PS5版本 需要震动功能 支持扳机效果(DualSense无线控制器) 中度暴力 用户互动, 游戏内购买 版本: Premium Edition Sea of Thieves - 完整游戏 所有豪华版内容 黑暗沃斯密斯船舰套装/服装 恶魔犬宠物 游戏和法律信息 《Sea of Thieves》是一款十分受欢迎的海盗冒险游戏,带你感受最正宗的海盗生活:寻找遗失的宝藏占为己...
Sea of Thieves will have 250 Trophies on PS5, though you only need to unlock the 60 base Trophies for the Platinum Trophy. Xbox and PC players can also convert active Achievements into Trophies, and though some may unlock immediately, replaying the game is a must for unlocking them all....
Sea of ThievesPS5 release date The standard PS5 version ofSea of Thieveswill be released on April 30, 2024. The Premium version of the game will be released five days earlier, on April 25. Is there aSea of ThievesPS5 beta? Yes, if you pre-ordered the PS5 version ofSea of Thieves, th...
¿Qué es Sea of Thieves? La aclamada aventura pirata comienza a navegar por las aguas de PlayStation para brindar la magnífica experiencia pirata tanto en solitario como con amigos. Leva anclas y zarpa en la búsqueda de tesoros perdidos, navega por intensas batallas en altamar, acaba ...
Sea of Thieves on PS5 - A Message from Our Crew Duration 2:51 How will the PS5 version ofSea of Thieveswork with the PlayStation 5 DualSense controller? Sea of Thievessupports the PlayStation 5 DualSense controller, including several of its unique features: ...
《Sea of Thieves》是一款風靡全球的海盜冒險遊戲,帶領玩家體驗驚心動魄的海盜生活,搶奪失落寶藏、指揮激烈海戰、征服駭人海怪,還有其他更多精彩內容。現在入手修訂版遊戲還加贈數位特典。 平台: PS5 推出日: 30/4/2024 發行商: Microsoft Corporation 遊戲類型: ...