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Sea of Thieves is a Shared World Adventure Game, think Pirates of the Caribbean rather than the in depth realism of Black Sails, but it also has that element of riskiness, danger provided by other players you might encounter and not know how they will react to you. ...
That said, it isn’t invincible — youcandefeat the Kraken. A crew working together can fend it off and force the beast to retreat back into the depths. Here’s where to find and how to defeat the Kraken inSea of Thieves. Related How many skins are in Fortnite? Further reading The b...
Bilge Rat Doubloons are a special currency in Sea of Thieves which can only be spent in Duke's shop. They allowyou to purchase some of his cosmetics, bags of regular gold, and even “Letters of Recommendation” which increase your Reputation one level in any of the five trading companies...
Tales from the Sea of Thieves: Cursed Sails- The Tales continue in newly discovered excerpts from Nura the scribe... Cursed Sails Voyage Help Thread- Need a hand? Ask a friendly Forum Pirate! Looking For Crew? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates,...