這是一個慈善計劃,所得收益會全數捐贈給St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital®的拯救生命任務,St. Jude 是一個我們非常積極參與的組織。Sea of Thieves社群的海盜們紛紛展現出對組織信念的認同、將美麗的船帆入手,共募集高達62,918.02 美元幫助 St. Jude 的病患及家屬! St. Jude Children’s Research Hospi...
「在此萬分感謝 Rare 和Sea of Thieves社群不遺餘力地支持本次高尚開拓者船帆的收益捐款活動,這也是施予慶典慈善計劃的一部分。我真的感到很驚訝!您的善行對 SpecialEffect 來說是很大的支持,讓我的慈善機構能幫助更多患有重大殘疾的玩家,不只是針對英國,而是全世界的玩家。」 SpecialEffect 是一個致力幫助殘疾朋友也...
This year our charity partner is Everyone Can A charity that helps people of all age ranges and disabilities improve their quality of life through the power of technology. Find out More Past Attendee Comments It's the only place I can find bigger fans of Sea of Thieves than me. ...
With the nights drawing in and the chill of winter fast approaching,Sea of Thievesoffers a warm welcome to pirates old and new with the arrival of Season Five. With new Seasonal rewards, Events and a whole host of quality of life updates to deepen your pirate immersion, this Season also b...
Sea of Thievesplayers who like swanky glow-in-the-dark sails and want to do a solid for the fight against cancer have until November 6 to indulge both interests with the sweet new set called the Sails of Union. Developed in partnership with theStand Up to Cancercharity, Sails o...
* Loyalty * Charity * Secrecy * Faith * If Die Kreuzritter still existed, this book would include:• A detailed history and background of the Black Crosses.• New Syrneth artifacts, new monsters, and a secret that could tear the world apart — why did the First Prophet condemn ...
Learn more aboutSea of Thievesatwww.xbox.com/seaofthieves, or join the ongoing adventure atwww.seaofthieves.comwhere you can embark on an epic journey with one of gaming’s most welcoming communities!
Sea of Thieves Sea of Thieves' limited-time sail raised $94,000 for Stand Up To CancerNews By Alyssa Mercante, Jordan Gerblick published 17 December 2020 When pirates aren't fighting and pillaging, they're raising money for charity, apparently Comments When...
Not only didSea of Thieves’mechanics need to serve the greater purpose of the game, but they also needed to work and make sense in a shared environment, Preston continues. “When we’re bringing in features, we have to think about: how can we make something that impacts the wider social...
I decided I’d do something with my time and raise some money for the charity which rescued Gigi – Barking Mad Dog Rescue. With Covid-19, they’re becoming overwhelmed with the influx of dogs they have and the fact that no dogs can be rehomed at the moment isn’t helping them at ...