57 -- 2:31 App Call of Duty: WWII Live Action Trailer - Reassemble 61 -- 0:38 App Trove Official Heroes Launch Trailer 187 -- 1:08 App Proxi Reveal and Art Challenge Trailer 192 -- 1:59 App 蝙蝠侠 内敌 Batman: The Enemy Within 官方第三章Fractured Mask宣传片 32 -- 0:30 Ap...
Full list of all 283 Sea of Thieves achievements worth 5,550 gamerscore. It takes around 1000 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game.
完成The Legend of Monkey Island 传奇故事的所有嘉奖目标。 1.53% (623.00) 公会新手 登上你所属公会的船起航。 10.83% (133.00) Sworn Guild Captain 向公会抵押一艘已认证船长职位的船只。 8.15% (172.00) 公会特使 首次成为你所属公会的特使。 2.10% (509.00) 杰出公会成员 在代表你所属杰出第 1 级...
"Sea of Thieves" stands out as a unique multiplayer experience that captures the thrill and freedom of pirate life. Its emphasis on cooperative gameplay, dynamic world events, and continual updates make it a standout title in the action-adventure genre. Whether you're sailing with friends or s...
商人联盟是所有贸易公司中最接近合法经营的企业。新手们在发现海盗居然能和商人联盟和平共处时,通常会感到无比惊讶。嗯,资深商人莫利是一位聪明的女士,她很清楚,要问有哪种人能够平安无事地横渡盗贼之海,那绝对非海盗莫属。 但是请您注意,莫利比其他公司的老板还要严格一点。您可以把宝箱交给任何一位老淘金者,但商...
在PlayStation官方網站探索《Sea of Thieves》。出航之前歡迎瞭解遊戲資訊、單人和多人遊戲模式、截圖、宣傳影片,以及更多內容。
Microsoft and Rare have released a new trailer for Sea of Thieves called Be More Pirate.View it below:Here is an overview [...]
经验丰富的海盗们可能还记得公爵,这位原本的苦役代表选择投奔暗黑兄弟会,他的生活也出现了令人遗憾的转折。如今,他的职位由更接地气的拉林娜担任,您会发现她驻扎在最近的酒馆外,眼观六路,耳听八方。 历史上的苦役是一群喜欢追求刺激的家伙,他们想证明真正的海盗生涯充满了危险、虚张声势,以及随时可能在刺激中丧命...
Sea of Thieves - A Pirate's Life 메가 번들 (한국어판) 전 세계 플레이어 별점 3개의 별점 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% Sea of Thieves: 해적의 삶 메가 번들에는 저주받은 페리맨 빅 번들, 이터널 프리덤 빅 ...
Sea of Thieves – Gameplay Achievements Now Bring Me That Horizon [10G] – Set sail on your ship? “With the capstan raised and the sails unfurled, ‘Now bring me that horizon!’ a pirate yelled.” Full Billow [5G] – Set your sails so they billow completely into the wind?