There are six subspecies of sea lions, all with different scientific names. As you’ve probably guessed, their common-use name means “lion of the sea,” but what do they have in common with their land-dwelling namesakes? In short, both lions and sea lions sport manes and roar loudly...
Evolution and Classification Although superficially they resemble whales, sirenians have evolved independently. They are descended from the group of ancient land mammals that also gave rise to the elephants. The living sirenians are classified in the phylumChordata, subphylum Vertebrata, class Mammalia,...
Otaria byronia (de Blainville, 1820), the valid scientific name for the southern sea lion (Carnivora: Otariidae). J Nat Hist 22, 767-772.Oliva, D. (1988). Otaria byronia (de Blainville, 1820), the valid scientific name for the southern sea lion ( Carnivora: Otariidae ). J. ...
Finally, octopuses are cousins to snails,oysters and mussels—quite primitive(原始的) animals,which appeared on Earth millions of years before mammals did.Generally,biologists believe that intelligence increases as you go higher up the tree of evolution(进化).With their big brains, octopus...
Evolution of the phosphorus turnover and eutrophication of natural waters (1988) Science, Leningrad, p 205 (in Russian) Google Scholar Sewerage, water disposal and treatment in Königsberg 1878–1929. The Merseburg archive. Div. 192b. XIXa. specialist. 15. No. 3; 2405, 4614, 1929 (in ...
The seal and sea lion parapoxviruses are considered zoonotic agents as animal handlers have acquired proliferative “sealpox” lesions on their hands after contact with captive, lesion-bearing seals (Clark et al., 2005, Hicks and Worthy, 1987). In pinnipeds, the group of animals consisting of...
Top 10 Weirdest Deep-Sea Creatures The Top 10 Creepiest Deep-Sea Creatures The Fascinating World of Spiny, Spiky Sea Creatures 17 Ugly Fish and Weird Sea Creatures
Since its establishment as a Euro-Canadian settlement in the mid-nineteenth century, the marine ecology surrounding Vancouver in British Columbia, Canada,
The small but often very solid shells of Ringiculidae are recovered in the fossil record from the Middle Jurassic of 161–165 Mya (mil- lion years ago)26 and they flourished as one of the commonest euthyneuran groups in the Late Cretaceous27,28. These fossils bear surprising resemblance...
Changes in wave variables were analyzed and related to the variations of the forcing wind projections, while also evaluating the evolution of the presence of the different types of sea states. To assess the significance of the changes produced, a bootstrap-based method was proposed, which ...