Sea Lion Information, Anatomy, Feeding, Reproduction, Evolution, Social Structure, and Sea Lion Conservation.
The Australian sea lion is a semi-aquatic mammal native to Australia. This endangered species is one of the world's most threatened marine mammals. Read on for Australian sea lion facts, pictures and in-depth information… Australian Sea Lion Facts At A Glance Other Name(s):Hair seal, white...
California sea lion facts, pictures & information. Meet the California Sea Lion: Introduction The California sea lion is amarine mammalfound along thewest coast of North America. A familiar animal from circuses and zoos, the species is known for its dog-like barking call, expert swimming ability...
What is a California sea lion? California sea lions often live close to people. They gather in shallow waters, beaches, and manmade structures like docks, buoys, and jetties on the western coast of North America, along the Pacific Ocean. These marine mammals from the seal family, or pinnip...
Did you know you can tell a sea lion (Neophoca cinerea) from a seal because it has got an external ear, seals have internal ears? Sea lions exist near both the antarctic and the arctic. The Australia Sea lions are found only on islands offshore of West Australia and South Australia. Th...
Sea Lion facts, photos and videos...The sea lions entire body is structured for life in the water, with a smooth, torpedo shaped torso and flattened, powerful flippers
Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) also go by the name of Northern sea lion, it is the biggest breed of sea lions and among pinnipeds, its bulk size is just second only to the Elephant seal and walrus. The Steller sea lion has magnetized attention these past years due to alarming de...
Information recall- remember what you know about sea lion teeth Additional Learning For more information on sea lions, check out the lesson named Sea Lion Facts: Lesson for Kids. The lesson helps students: Learn how heavy sea lions can weigh ...
Intelligent, playful, and cute, sea lions have captured hearts around the world. Explore interesting sea lion facts to learn what makes them so special.
There are many kinds of animals that live in the ocean, and sea lions are one of them. Come learn about sea lions, where they live, how to tell them apart from seals and some other cool facts about these animals. What is a Sea Lion?