Sea level rise (SLR)Digital elevation model (DEM)InundationTime horizonMulti-scenarioThe purpose of this paper is to evaluate three temporal mapping approaches to predict Sea Level Rise (SLR) in the Southern Miami-Dade County, Florida, USA. These three temporal approaches provide an alternative to...
Climate change-induced sea-level rise will lead to an increase in internal migration, whose intensity and spatial patterns will depend on the amount of sea-level rise; future socioeconomic development; and adaptation strategies pursued to reduce exposure and vulnerability to sea-level rise. To explo...
This is the world we face as sea level rise, a stark reality of climate change, continues to accelerate. As the mercury climbs higher on our global thermometer, so too does the level of our seas, threatening to redraw the map of our world in ways that are far from benign. The implicat...
climate change. Here, we assessed the vulnerability of Florida’s coastal islands to inundation from sea level rise and estimated the terrestrial vertebrate biodiversity on Florida’s islands that could be lost. Using rasters of predicted sea level rise, we predicted how many islands will disappear...
To illustrate this point, CTBUH analyzed 1.3 million buildings in the Miami area by their elevation above mean sea level. Although52%of these buildings lie at 10 meters or less above mean sea level, just0.3%of those are sited below 2.2 meters - the maximum projected sea-level rise by 2100...
A city built on land rescued from the sea, it is not only unusually at risk from sea-level rise; it also hides parts of its marshy past beneath its streets and buildings. As a project by the Norman B. Leventhal Map & Education Center recently wrote, “No city in the U.S. has a...
Fig. 3: Coastal sea level rise (SLR). Location map showing color coding of coastal regions (a). Five-ESM ensemble mean regional coastal SLR differences of: G6solar–SSP585 (b); G6sulfur–SSP585 (c); G6solar–SSP245 (d); and G6sulfur–SSP245 (e) during 2080–2099. Vertical solid...
Posted inwater|Taggedcities,dredging,flooding,high-tide flooding,hurricane,Jacksonville,Miami,New York City,sea level rise,storm surge,tides,Wilmington|Leave a comment Lessons on Containment for the Climate Pandemic Posted onJuly 18, 2020byPhilip Orton ...
And SRTM data includes the heights of building and vegetation in the terrain, so urban areas like Miami will have SRTM terrain heights that are higher than the true terrain level, and the flooding level there will be undermapped by this mapplet. You’ll need to use higher resolution data ...
In other areas, oceanic processes were involved: for example, the increased frequency of chronic flooding at high tide in Miami was mainly attributed to a weakening of the Gulf Stream causing an acceleration of sea-level rise15 and to sea-level variability due to El Niño in the Pacific13,...