Impacts of and responses to sea-level rise. In: J. Church, P.L. Woodworth, T. Aarup and S. Wilson (Eds.), Understanding Sea-Level Rise and Variability. Wiley- Blackwell, Chichester, UK, pp. 17-51.Nicholls, R.J., 2010. Impacts of and responses to sea-level rise. In: Church, ...
A collection of research in sea-level rise published in Nature Communications, covering sea-level variability, ice sheet dynamics and coastal vulnerability.
With all of this under consideration, Tulane's Dangendorf said that measures to combat sea level rise and its impacts on coastlines cannot stop, even if the recent spike was only temporary. "The results, once again, demonstrate the urgency of the climate crisis for the Gulf region," Dangend...
Sea level rise Sealevelrise Whatissealevelrise?CausesofsealevelriseImpactsofsealevelriseWhatweshoulddo?Newwords Thermalexpansion:热膨胀IPCC:IntergovernmentalPanelonClimateChangeAlbedo:(星体)反照率stormsurge:风暴潮salinizationofaquifersandsoils:地下...
Impacts of Sea Level Rise on the Coastal Areas to the West of the Bohai Bay Based on the assumption of global sea level rising between 30 and 100 cm in the future 100 years by IPCC (1990) in addition to the effect of local ground s... Z Liu,D Xia,Wang Dein - 《Marine Science ...
Sea-level rise impacts on the tides of the European Shelf. Conti. Shelf Res. 137, 56–71. (2017). Article ADS Google Scholar Li, S. et al. Evolving tides aggravate nuisance flooding along the U.S. coastline. Sci. Adv. 7, 2412. https:...
The president calls for a robust policy framework in place to ensure the disruption and harm to communities are minimized. Minister for Climate Change James Shaw said the government is "acutely aware of" the impacts sea level rise could have on coastal communities....
While this is just one expert's opinion, if sea-level rise even comes close to those levels, the impacts would be trulydangerous and destabilizing, dramaticallyreshaping nations' coastlinesand forcing hundreds of millions of people toabandon their homes. Englander says to reduce the potential impac...
The Thwaites Glacier in West Antarctica — nicknamed the “Doomsday Glacier” because itscollapse could cause catastrophic sea level rise— is the world’s widest glacier and roughly the size of Florida. It’s also Antarctica’s most vulnerable and unstable glacier, in large part because the land...
Coastal transport infrastructure is at risk from future sea-level rise (SLR).SLR impact on the functioning of the London–Penzance railway at Dawlish is assessed.Disruption in the coming decades is estimated to increase by ~800–1200% by 2100.Serious reliability issues are likely to arise even ...