Four county governments in Southeast Florida, in response to impacts of sea-level rise journals/abs/2006/2005GL024826.shtml) and, Rahmstof, S. and M ClimateChange's Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) and more recent research led by Stefan Rahmstorf.C DECONCINI...
climate change. Here, we assessed the vulnerability of Florida’s coastal islands to inundation from sea level rise and estimated the terrestrial vertebrate biodiversity on Florida’s islands that could be lost. Using rasters of predicted sea level rise, we predicted how many islands will disappear...
forests of the Everglades National Park based on tolerance to drought and salinity. Precipitation is the major water source in coastal hammocks and is stored in the soil vadose zone, but vadose water will diminish with the rising water table as a consequence of sea level rise, thereby subject...
Future sea level rise will lead to salt water intrusion, beach/dune recession, and many other coastal problems. This paper addresses a data based forecasting approach to provide relative sea level rise estimates at locations in Florida where historical water level data exist. Many past estimates of...
Seas are predicted to rise a foot by 2050, regardless of how much global carbon emissions can be reduced. Why is this happening, and what can we do to adapt?
Posted inopinion,water|TaggedChesapeake Bay,CSO,dead zone,ecosystem,estuary,Everglades,Jamaica Bay,marsh,New York City,oxygen,pollution,Puget Sound,restoration,Salazar,San Francisco Bay,sea level rise,South Florida,urban,wastewater|Comments Off
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The City of Pensacola is preparing for sea level rise. Recognizing the threats that higher tides mean for coastal cities, Pensacola applied for and received a grant from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to conduct a vulnerability assessment and develop a resilience plan based...
Sea-level rise is likely the primary driver of this change; however, the construction of new waterways facilitates the dispersal of mangrove propagules into new areas by extending tidal influence, exacerbating encroachment. Reduced volume of freshwater delivery to TTINWR via overland flow and ...
But southern Florida lies on a bed of porous limestone. During high tides, flooding can -- and does -- occur on sunny days, without even a drop of rain. That's because high tides -- increasingly higher due to sea level rise spurred by climate change -- seep up through the drainage ...