Sea level riseSea level accelerationClimate changeSea level oscillationsTeleconnectionsThe paper presents the sea level rises (SLR) computed for the United States tide gauges with more than 100 years of recording. It is shown that the monthly sea levels oscillate about an almost linear longer-term ...
根据下文"andthenext 30 yearswillseethesameamountofsealevelriseastheprevious 100"可知,接下来30年的海平面上升速度和前100的速度持平,说明海平面的上升速度在加快。故选D。(2)考查名词及语境理解。A.records记录;B.extremes极端;C.predictions预测;D.solutions解决方案。句意:该报告给出了美国有史以来最具体、...
sea level rise cannot be explained by natural processes alone. Anthropogenic forcing by greenhouse gasses has become a dominant cause of sea level rise, generating thermal expansion of ocean waters and melting of land-based ice. Modern rates of sea level rise started about 100years ago, and it...
"Sea-level rise has accelerated in recent decades, mostly due to an increased contribution of the Greenland ice sheet," Masson-Delmotte said. "Summer warming above the Greenland ice sheet has been strongly related to human influence on the climate system. Sea-level rise is enhancing coastal su...
This is based on what is called a ‘mid-range scenario’ of a 40-cm sea-level rise by 2080, which is pretty conservative. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) notes that the sea level has risen 15 to 20 cm (6 to 8 inches) in the past 100 years, and it is predicted ...
"While we saw about 19 centimeters of sea-level rise in the past 100 years, Antarctic ice-loss could lead to up to 58 centimeters within this century," said lead-author of the study Anders Levermann from the PIK and Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) in New York...
1). The latter is the result of the fact that the increase in exposed heritage area accelerates as sea-level rise gathers pace (Fig. 2). By 2050 and under high emissions, the median additional exposed area is limited to about 25% of the baseline value (1,719 km2 versus 2,171 km2),...
Global sea-level rise of up to 0.6m is predicted in the next 100 years. In areas where coastal structures prevent landward migration of beaches, a major impact of sea-level rise will be a loss of beach habitat, with repercussions for beach-dependent organisms such as sea turtles. Setback ...
However, local sea-level rise around the coast of New Zealand is also affected by the up-and-down movements of its land. "We are very aware when these vertical land movements occur in large jumps during earthquakes, but less obvious to us all is that smaller shifts occur continuously in ...
The rise in ocean height in the next 30 years could equal the total rise seen over the past 100 years, the report projects. The task force developed their near-term sea level rise projections by drawing on an improved understanding of how the processes that contribute to rising seas - such...