Elevation above sea level - in feet and meter - with barometric and atmospheric pressure - inches mercury, psia, kg/cm2 and kPa.
These BPRs measure ocean bottom pressure in pounds per square inch absolute (PSIA). However, the information is disseminated as EWD after applying a constant 670.0 mm of water/PSIA conversion factor. The BPRs have a time resolution of 15 min when operating in the normal mode. However, ...
reduced the entrained air velocity (-17%) and the thrust (-7%) for tests at a thruster chamber pressure of 200 psia and MR = 8. In addition, significant differences were seen in the static pressure profiles, the Raman spectroscopy profiles, and the acoustic power spectrum for these two ...
SBE 25 CTD V 4.1a SN 323 04/26/02 14:02:13 external pressure sensor, range = 5076 psia, tcval = -55 xtal=9437363 clk=32767.107 vmain=10.1 iop=175 vlith=5.6 ncasts=0 samples=0 free = 54980 lwait = 0 msec stop upcast when CTD ascends 30 % of full scale pressure sensor range...
At the surface of the water, the local or ambient pressure is 1 atm (~14.7 psia). As one descends in the water, the mass of water above contributes to pressure, and the local pressure in the water is given by Pa + gh, where h is the depth of water, and is density...
slope ends with a flat sea bed, where the depths easily exceed Energies 2018, 11, 2452 3 of 16 2E0n0e0rgmies.20O18n, 1a1, lxaFrOgeR PscEaElReR, EthVeIEwWind conditions are under the influence of the Siberian and Az3ooref s17 high-pressure areas and by the Asian low-pressure ...