Elevation above sea level - in feet and meter - with barometric and atmospheric pressure - inches mercury, psia, kg/cm2 and kPa.
Figure 8.6shows the sea-level pressure and surface winds at 9-h intervals starting at 00 UTC Nov. 10 (note that the field of view is smaller than in the previous charts). At all three map times a pronounced wind-shift line, the expression of thecold frontin the surface wind field, is...
I. Whitlow , Sea-level pressure variability in the Amundsen Sea region inferred from a West Antarctic glaciochemical record , J. Geophys. Res. , 105 , 4047 – 4059 , 2000Kreutz KJ, Mayewski PA, Pittalwala II, Meeker LD, Twickler MS, Whitlow SI (2000) Sea level pressure variability ...
ECMWF (Monthly) (0.125°×0.125°) Air temperature (℃), u wind (10 m) and v wind (10 m) (ms−1), total precipitation (mmday−1), net surface heat flux (Wm-2), mean sea-level pressure (Pa) 1993 to 2018 ECMWF (2011) RAMA buoy (15 °N, 90 °E) Air temperature (℃),...
(b) Shading and dotted areas are the same as (a), but for sea level pressure [Pa (35yr)−1]. Vectors denote the linear trend of 850-hPa wind and hatching indicates where the linear trend of 500-hPa vertical velocity is above 0.025 [Pa s−1 (35yr)−1]. Both are ...
A homogenized 236 year daily regional sea-level pressure (SLP) record is constructed for the Po Plain (north Italy) by means of six station records: Bologna, Genoa, Lugano, Milan, Padua and Turin. Station records are subjected to a first homogenization in order to reduce all observations to...
The gridded daily sea-level pressure analyses in this dataset were produced by the operational models of the U.S. Navy Fleet Numerical Oceanography Center (FNOC). The data are arranged in a 63-by-63 polar-stereographic grid covering the Northern Hemisphere for the period January 1946 to Decem...
Maps of 10-day-averaged surface atmospheric and oceanic variables from ECMWF ERA5 reanalysis. a) negative Laplacian of Sea Surface Temperature (−\({\nabla }^{2}\)SST 10−9K m-2) is shaded and Sea Level Pressure (\({\nabla }^{2}\)SLP 10−9Pa m-2) is contoured.(b)Laplacian...
Goodwin, I., et al., A reconstruction of extratropical Indo-Pacific sea-level pressure patterns during the Medieval Climate Anomaly, Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/ s00382-013-1899-1, 2014.Goodwin, I., Browning, S., Lorrey, A., Mayewski, P., Phipps, S., Bertler, N. N., Edwards,...
The position of each simulated typhoon during the integration time was defined as the location where the sea-level pressure reached a minimum value at a certain time. The intensity of a typhoon was defined as its central pressure. The TRMM/TMI maximum sea surface cooling effects shown in Table...