1.4.3Sea-Level Pressure The SLP can reflect the sea–land thermal difference, and the spatial distribution of the SLP is one of the key factors in the formation and maintenance of the ASM and has a direct impact on the variation of the ASM. The EASM is driven by the SLP contrast betwee...
Elevation above sea level - in feet and meter - with barometric and atmospheric pressure - inches mercury, psia, kg/cm2 and kPa.
A homogenized 236 year daily regional sea-level pressure (SLP) record is constructed for the Po Plain (north Italy) by means of six station records: Bologna, Genoa, Lugano, Milan, Padua and Turin. Station records are subjected to a first homogenization in order to reduce all observations to...
The gridded daily sea-level pressure analyses in this dataset were produced by the operational models of the U.S. Navy Fleet Numerical Oceanography Center (FNOC). The data are arranged in a 63-by-63 polar-stereographic grid covering the Northern Hemisphere for the period January 1946 to Decem...
Kreutz, K. J., PA. Mayewski, 1.1. Pittalwala, L. D. Meeker, M.S.Twickler,and S.I.Whitlow,Sea-level pressure variability in the Amundsen Sea region inferred from a West Antarctic glaciochemical record, J. Geophys.Res., 705,4047-4059,2000....
(b) Shading and dotted areas are the same as (a), but for sea level pressure [Pa (35yr)−1]. Vectors denote the linear trend of 850-hPa wind and hatching indicates where the linear trend of 500-hPa vertical velocity is above 0.025 [Pa s−1 (35yr)−1]. Both are ...
ECMWF (Monthly) (0.125°×0.125°) Air temperature (℃), u wind (10 m) and v wind (10 m) (ms−1), total precipitation (mmday−1), net surface heat flux (Wm-2), mean sea-level pressure (Pa) 1993 to 2018 ECMWF (2011) RAMA buoy (15 °N, 90 °E) Air temperature (℃),...
Experiments have been conducted within the framework of the Australian Bureau of Meteorology's global data assimilation and prediction system to assess the forecast impact of Southern Hemisphere sea level pressure estimates [paid observations (PAOBs)] from manual analyses. Parallel assimilation cycles with...
Today, incomplete nitrate consumption in the Eurasian Basin is attributed to light limitation of primary production by sea ice5, although grazing pressure20 or iron limitation38 may also contribute locally. However, none of these demand-based mechanisms appear to explain the past changes in nitrate ...
To tie the surveyed coral elevations into the tidal cycle, we deployed a portable tide-gauge apparatus (a pressure sensor water-level datalogger, with an accompanying barometric pressure datalogger to barometrically correct data recorded by the water-level datalogger) for just over 5 days at TK...