SeaLead成立于2017年, 是 全球集装箱航运市场相对较新的进入者,自成立以来就显示出非凡的增长。总部设在新加坡,在迪拜设有区域办事处,并在主要市场设有代理网络,专注于提供卓越的客户服务水平。 SeaLead是一家私营的全球航运公司,业务遍及40个国家。团队旨在简化全球主要经济体之间和新兴市场之间的国际贸易。
SeaLead is a global shipping line aiming to simplify international trade with an experienced team, modern fleet, and deployment of the latest technologies
2023年sea lead shipping 船公司logo最新文章查询,为您推荐sea lead shipping 船公司标志,sea lead shipping 轮船公司logo,sea lead shipping 船舶公司logo等相关热门文章,爱企查企业服务平台为你提供企业服务相关专业知识,了解行业最新动态。
这项服务旨在满足客户对SeaLead的高可靠性和高效率的期望。 SeaLead Shipping在推出地中海-拉丁美洲服务时,增加了对Wilson Sons Rio Grande集装箱码头的呼叫。 这条新航线将停靠位于巴西南巴西大德州的Wilson Sons大集装箱码头。 SeaLead的新MEDSA服务将在南美洲和地中海之间,前往摩洛哥。它将南美洲与北非、地中海...
SeaLead Shipping是租用中资船舶的领头羊,这家总部位于新加坡的船公司一直运营中东航线,并于近期续租入数艘巴拿马型船,租金在32,000美元/天左右,较上个月相比上涨了约四分之一。 事实上,包括Emirates Shipping Line和Global Feeder Shipping在内的许多区域运营商都在租用中国船只,而SeaLead是其中最活跃的一家。
Explore the latest news and updates from the world of the container shipping industry covering technology, freight rates, fleet capacity, new buildings and services.
SeaLead Shipping has revamped its Asia-US East Coast (USEC) service, removing direct connections and opting instead for transhipment in Egypt’s Damietta port. SeaLead, based in Dubai and Singapore, launched transpacific operations to the US west coast in August 2021 and Asia-USEC (via the Pa...
Complete shipping profile of Sea Lead Shipping Pte Ltd - SJHH including Sea Lead Shipping Pte Ltd shipment volumes, customers, vessels, and ports of lading and unlading
The new agencies will work closely with SeaLead’s commercial management team, ensuring the new countries connect seamlessly to a network of services currently spanning five continents. In Japan, SeaLead has appointed Namsung Shipping Japan Ltd. as their agency. Namsung will bring more than 24 yea...
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